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The False Flag Checklist « The Thinking Housewife
The Thinking Housewife

The False Flag Checklist

June 13, 2016

MORE from State of the Nation:

Do it in the middle of the night.

Do it with people who no one knows.

Do it with a gunman who is committed to ISIS, but is American.

Do it right after a number of large drills in the area.

Hire actors who are in a dire need of money – the weaponized poor.

Do it in a dark club where the shooter cannot be seen.

Do it with the threat of a bomb so total control goes into place as the security containment plan.

Do it to a targeted community or people or belief – the LGBT community.

Do it in a United Nations Strong Cities Initiative area.

Control all news coverage completely, specifically keeping helicopters out of the area.

Limit news coverage to “we are being told by officials that” – or “we have been informed” or other cover phrases to say the newscasters are not allowed to report anything but the official version.

Continue Obama’s plan of audacious actions to enact the UN Small Arms Treaty – the gun grab.

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