The Heart of It All
June 3, 2016

PREVIOUS entries on the Feast of the Sacred Heart of Jesus, which is observed today, can be found here, here, and here.
As Charles A. Coulombe has written:
Veneration of the Sacred Heart of Jesus has gotten a bum rap. For many people, Catholics and otherwise, the seemingly effeminate images of Our Lord pointing to His — literally — bleeding heart were dismissed as purely private devotional images best suited for old ladies. For others, such things as placards identifying the driver of a car as a member of the Auto League of the Sacred Heart were the worst kind of kitsch. For still more folks of a thoughtful nature, it was all well enough in its way, but a relatively recent devotion without deep roots in Catholic history. All of these notions are dead wrong. [cont.]
— Comments —
Paul A. writes:
I am sorry to have to point this out, but the image you are showing on this post is of The Immaculate Heart of Mary. It is the one “which a sword shall pierce,” and is surrounded by a garland of flowers. The dove denotes Her Spouse, the Holy Spirit.
The Sacred Heart of Jesus is different in that it is surmounted by a cross, and is surrounded by a crown of thorns. It also has a gash from the lance.
Easy to confuse the two, so it is understandable. But the symbolism should be noted and explained.
Laura writes:
Thank you for the correction.
Here is an image of the Sacred Heart of Jesus:
The two hearts are, of course, intimately related. As Dr. Thomas Droleskey wrote:
The Most Sacred Heart of Jesus, that perfect fountain of unmatched love for us fallen creatures, was formed out of the Sorrowful and Immaculate Heart of Mary. There is a perfect communion of love that exists for all eternity between these two Hearts, the One beating within the Body of the God-Man and the other beating within the body of His Most Blessed Mother. This simple, undeniable reality of the perfect communion between the Sacred Heart of Jesus and the Immaculate Heart of Mary teaches us the necessity of being totally consecrated to the latter as the path to being totally absorbed into the Mercy of the former. The path to take shelter in the Divine Mercy of the Most Sacred Heart of Jesus runs through total consecration to the Sorrowful and Immaculate Heart of Mary.