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The Orlando False Flag « The Thinking Housewife
The Thinking Housewife

The Orlando False Flag

June 29, 2016




ROBERT DAVID STEELE, a former CIA agent, has released a 59-page book on the Orlando “massacre,” claiming that it was a staged event, conducted by the government to gain public support for gun control and the “War on Terror.” This is from the opening of The Orlando Mass Casualty Event: A False Flag Drama, Atrocity, or Hybrid?:

ORLANDO was a false flag planned months in advance by the Obama-Biden Administration, and in my judgment, specifically by the Department of Homeland Security (DHS) with the full complicity in advance of the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI). Among the key indicators – I list sixty-five (65) of them with linked documentation in this publication – are these:

01 Omar Mateen did not expect to die – he was booked to fly on the 14th

02 Mateen has been groomed since 2011, probably by the Mossad pretending to be CIA, and including two upper-end trips to Saudi Arabia and beyond.

03 The responding police were ordered not to go after him inside the club

04 All medical matters are ludicrous, undocumented, an impossibility

05 All witnesses appear to be scripted, less the laughing winking cop

06 Three musical follow-ups were clearly developed in advance of the day

07 The event started at closing time; 7 of the 8 exits were not used.

08 All audio-visual evidence has been eradicated – nothing from the CCTVs in the club (over eight of them), nothing from individual cell phones, nothing from Mateen’s unscripted calls to his handler during the 3 hour stand-down, nothing from police scanner traffic during the entire period.

09 The FBI has been proven to be a manufacturer of terror events. A copy of this chapter in draft form has been provided via Certified Mail[ 1] to the Director of the FBI – however, the FBI is such a massive bureaucracy with so many external elements with their own agendas blocking information from the director, I doubt that he will see the correspondence. If you know him, share…


I have executed a false flag operation – no one died – for the Central Intelligence (CIA). The term “false flag” means nothing more or less than “not what it seems.” The FBI, our final line of defense against domestic treason or foreign covert operations on US soil, appears to have sacrificed its integrity and turned false flag terrorism into a budget-building campaign.

Counterintelligence – the ability to detect and counter enemy action and enemy influence within one’s own ranks, matters deeply. Nothing else can be relied upon – for example, alleged intelligence about the Islamic State of Iraq and Syria (ISIS) – or a false flag event staged for political advantage by the incumbent Administration or a foreign power – if counterintelligence fails.

As a former spy who is intimately familiar with CIA’s history of mis-deeds in the USA, I will testify that the term “conspiracy theorist” was coined by CIA to marginalize “truthers” who questioned the Warren Commission Report on the assassination of John F. Kennedy. As we now know, “conspiracy theorists” have proven to be right in over thirty (30) cases since then.

Orlando is an opportunity for the Director of the FBI to get a grip on his integrity – he is in the same position now that Colin Powell was when Dick Cheney set out to script 9/ 11 following that with 935 lies leading to the invasion of Iraq and the creation of a swath of destruction from Afghanistan to Niger via Libya, Syria, Yemen, and Somalia. Powell chose to go along, a decision Colin Powell appears to most deeply regret today. If the Director were to also indict Hillary Clinton for conflicts of interest – the Russians will give him the emails she failed to provide, if the National Security Agency (NSA) will not – in combination, his demonstration of integrity could be the foundation for a restoration of democracy in the USA.

Orlando, in my view, is an opportunity for the public to awaken. It adds force to the momentum established by Bernie Sanders and Donald Trump – while others such as Jim Hightower have been saying this for decades – “we want our country back.”[ 2]

Do you want your country back? Start with Orlando. Think and then act. Above all, question authority, for it is clear that our government is controlled by forces that are not at all interested in serving We the People.

Steele, Robert (2016-06-24). The Orlando Mass Casualty Event: A False Flag Drama, Atrocity, or Hybrid? (Kindle Locations 33-41). Earth Intelligence Network. Kindle Edition.


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