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The United State of Self-Centeredness « The Thinking Housewife
The Thinking Housewife

The United State of Self-Centeredness

June 7, 2016


A READER writes:

As a woman, I find such clips an embarrassment. If women are so confident, strong, and intelligent then why do they need to be puffed up?

Imagine if men did such a sexist video.

— Comments —

George Pal writes:

#Black Lives Matter


#FemaleLives Matter


Not holding my breath for:


CH writes:

Absolutely not a direct attack on Reader, in any form. Just an observation:

“If women are so confident, strong, and intelligent then why do they need to be puffed up?”

The women in that silly, sappy, nonsense video do not reflect any of those three qualities. Far too many American women don’t seem to reflect any of the three by choice. It’s someone’s choice to remain purposely ignorant to truths that are timeless, to by-crikey never be told what to do, to stare down at their phone incessantly, to whine when the tiniest thing goes wrong, to ignore history, to follow pseudo-science, and, finally, to take off like a whirling dervish when angry/upset/somewhat bothered.

But the choice to be seen as ‘strong, confident, or intelligent’ once making all those other choices is gone. No matter how loud the screeching. Sooner or later, the populous will have had enough and reality will reveal itself to the culture again. Until that time, I don’t see any reason to take anyone serious who does not wish to be taken as such, and being utterly self-centered and in denial of the most basic principles of how reality works constitutes to the sane, thoughtful human that someone should not, in fact, be taken at all seriously.

Laura writes:

This is pure political propaganda, aimed at enslaving women, not liberating them.

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