Theater in Orlando
June 12, 2016
BILLED AS the biggest mass shooting in American history, the reported events at an Orlando, Florida nightclub this weekend have all the earmarks of manufactured terrorism. Even if many people were murdered and even if this was an act of Islamic terrorism, the events as reported have numerous familiar signs of being staged and therefore we should approach all reports with serious skepticism. Get out your remote controls and pizza poppers, folks, and let the oh-so-predictabe plot unfold:
[This post has been updated and revised]
Notice the following:
** The immediate solving of the crime, violating all norms of criminal investigation
** The familiar blaming of Islamic terrorists, who have no rational goal and who risk their countries being further blown to smithereens as a result
** ISIS reportedly involved
** The death of the gunman, eliminating the possibility of a trial and public questioning
** Implausible details, such as the gunman wielding a semi-automatic rifle and a handgun at the same time; the lack of anyone in a room that probably held dozens of beefed-up weightlifters tackling him while he shot 103 people (50 dead and 53 wounded) and his reported leaving of the nightclub and then returning (didn’t anyone consider locking him out?)
** Unconvincing video footage from the scene, even though the nightclub was obviously packed to the hilt with cell phone recording devices
** The dead reportedly left in the nightclub for many hours, a violation of standard emergency protocols in which anyone recently wounded is immediately evacuated to a hospital
** A relative who sheds no real tears, seems remarkably at ease in front of the camera and launches into a scripted speech about gun control (look closely and notice how she continually looks down at something she is reading) and One World Love
** Promotion of sexual deviancy

** Fundraising appeals for victims that begin almost before the bodies are cold
** Immediate promotion of gun control:
The rifle is the same type of gun used in the mass shootings in Aurora, Colo.; Newtown, Conn.; and San Bernardino, Calif.
Gun control advocates contend that semiautomatic weapons like the AR-15 are a logical choice for mass shootings because of their ability to rapidly fire multiple high-velocity rounds. Defenders of the firearm say it is misguided to blame a gun that is used by millions of owners across the country in a responsible manner.
The rifle is legal to buy in most states, including Florida. In 1994, Congress passed an assault weapons ban that prohibited manufacturing AR-15 for civilian sale with large-capacity magazines, bayonets or pistol grips. The ban limited, but did not end, sales of AR-15s. The weapons ban expired in 2004.
** One World B.S., seemingly scripted well in advance, from our Commander in Chief with deep-felt “honesty” written all over his face:
“In the face of hate and violence, we will love one another,” he said. “We will not give in to fear or turn against each other. Instead, we will stand united as Americans to protect our people and defend our nation, and to take action against those who threaten us.”
Donald Trump immediately rushed to blame ISIS as well. If there were a few journalists in this country they might ask Our Noble, Incredibly Macho Savior how he knows for sure, so quickly after this event, that “ISIS” was involved? I know Trump has all the makings of a great king, and everything, and has single-handedly resurrected masculinity in this country, but answer me: This guy is going to be president and yet he does not follow the minimal precautions involved in solving major crimes before creating mass hysteria that could conceivably lead us to more war? Hmm. He’s either stupid or a fake himself.
Ready to send more of your sons and daughters to battle, America?
Jim Stone writes, quoted here:
Will the alleged perpetrator be interrogated to find out what he did or did not do, what his motives may have been, and who his associates were? Apparently not. Once again, we see the “perp shot dead, will never be interrogated or tried” syndrome. If international terrorism sponsored by groups like ISIS were really what it is made out to be, obviously live captures of all suspected terrorists would be the top priority, so interrogations could take place and terror networks taken down.
Another major indicator of “false flag” is the scale of the carnage. More than 50 dead? Only one shooter? And the guy was not even a special forces professional, but a flaky security guard?! (Who just happened to be on all the National Security radar screens, like so many others now-proven patsies.) Sorry, MSM, that doesn’t pass the smell test.
It’s funny how almost all “Muslim terrorists” are either ridiculously ultra-competent supermen able to take down skyscrapers and blow up the Pentagon using a couple of package-openers as their only weapons; kill ludicrously large numbers of people in mass shootings without any military training; or otherwise perform amazing feats of mass carnage … or else they are the world’s LEAST competent destruction-wreakers, dufuses who can’t get a match lit to try to blow up their own shoe, or who pack their underwear with sterno camping fuel and no detonator and somehow expect their crotch to explode.
Aside from the handful of supermen, practically every wannabe Muslim terrorist in the USA since 9/11 has been a total [doofus.] As Trevor Aaronson writes in The Terror Factory, almost all of the “Islamic terror plots” in the US since 9/11 have actually been FBI terror plots sold to some hapless patsy – a homeless street person, a retarded teenager – by a professional con artist.
Real terrorism usually falls in the middle of the bell curve: A handful of people (if any) get killed, and/or something of fairly modest size gets blown up. This is the pattern with the 94% of terrorist attacks that, according to the FBI, are not committed by Muslims, but rather by radical Jews, hispanics, leftists, animal rights activists, and so on.
But Muslims…whoah! They’re either supermen, defying the laws of physics to make skyscrapers disappear at free-fall acceleration through the path of most resistance or shooting huge crowds of people with a single Glock pistol…or they’re retarded kids, homeless people, schlemiels who couldn’t succeed in stepping on an ant if the FBI bought them size 20 shoes and released an ant colony next to their feet.
Statistically, the odds that Muslims would almost always either be way-too-lethal or else way-too-incompetent, while all other categories of terrorists would fall in the middle of the bell curve, must be about 20 trillion to one. Go ahead, pull up the statistics and do the math.
From James Perloff:
Notice the policeman laughing during this press conference (Courtesy of Winter Watch):
Here’s commentary by Mike King at The Anti-New York Times:

Boobus Americanus 1: I read in the New York Times today that the lone gunman down in Florida had recently pledged his allegiance to ISIS.
Boobus Americanus 2: Such a tragedy. I totally agree with Obama’s gun-control initiatives and sympathy for gay rights; but I also have to agree with Trump’s tough stand on ISIS.
— Comments —
Kathlene writes:
Whenever there is a shooting that receives massive media attention and instant media analysis, I tend to ask myself: what event in the world is this event meant to obfuscate? Why is there a laser-like focus on this event to the exclusion of others? The Saker notes on his blog that while this mass shooting is indeed horrible, so are the many mass deaths that take place all over the world on a much larger scale, thanks to the chaos, war and destruction that are occurring.
Uri Avnery wrote that the French peach initiative aroused “the fury of the Israeli government, and no American president can do that if he wants – himself or his party – to be reelected. There is a terrible fear haunting our government.“
One additional point of interest: Haaretz reports that the company, G4S, that the Orlando gunman was affiliated with, has Israeli ties.
The Israeli-Palestinian peace issue urgently needs to be addressed, yet it is quite revealing that it gets hardly any media interest or coverage.
Laura writes:
This post originally mixed in the shooting of Christine Grimmie with this event. That was an error. Sorry about that.
Laura adds:
A commenter here writes:
For people familiar with firearms, the alleged totals of 50 dead, 53 wounded or similar, from one shooter, are absurd & ridiculous … this is fiction of the type in Rambo films
Even a typical firearms hobbyist, attempting a fast mass killing, would tend to leave 3 or 4 wounded for every 1 person killed
Even highly-trained SWAT team or military shooters would have difficulty achieving these Orlando totals as a single shooter … and these are people who train for months with a single weapon and ammunition combination … which is unlikely for this alleged shooter, employee of a UK international security firm with not so much free time, or free thousands to spend on ammunition for training
Firearms are difficult to aim & shoot well … a tense person spraying bullets rather than ‘aiming’ each shot (slowing him down, allowing more escape time) … will kill some but not so many, more will be wounded in an arm or leg … many bullets will miss altogether … you see this with police spraying dozens of bullets to have 1 hit the person they are targeting
Plus there is re-loading time, precious seconds when the shooter must eject the empty ammunition magazine clip and draw out and insert a new one … allowing those nearby to jump him & beat him, or to escape
If there were such totals dead & wounded, there would be several shooters … but it seems from the lack of images of emergency medical etc … that this is another constructed hoax even if some are genuinely dead
I read elsewhere that it would take over 300 rounds to achieve the kind of fatal hits Omar Mateen is said to have made in the Pulse nightclub.