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Academic Freedom — For Some « The Thinking Housewife
The Thinking Housewife

Academic Freedom — For Some

July 20, 2016

THE GOP platform calls for a free exchange of ideas at America’s universities — well, almost free. Every idea should be discussed openly, says the platform. Except one idea. That should not be permitted. The one idea? Condemnation of Israel.

The platform states:

Improving Higher Education

Our colleges, universities, and trade schools, large and small, public and private, form the world’s greatest assemblage of learning. They drive much of the research that keeps America competitive and, by admitting large numbers of foreign students, convey our values and culture to the world. Their excellence is undermined by an ideological bias deeply entrenched within the current university system. Whatever the solution may be in private institutions, in state schools the trustees have a responsibility to the taxpayers to ensure that their enormous investment is not abused for political indoctrination. We call on state officials to preserve our public colleges, universities, and trade schools as places of learning and the exchange of ideas, not zones of intellectual intolerance or “safe zones,” as if college students need protection from the free exchange of ideas. A student’s First Amendment rights do not end at the schoolhouse gates. Colleges, universities, and trade schools must not infringe on their freedom of speech and association in the name of political correctness.We condemn the campus-based BDS (Boycott, Divestment, and Sanctions) campaign against Israel. It is anti-Semitism and should be denounced by advocates of academic freedom. [emphasis added]

Does this make any sense?

You don’t think the Jewish lobby pays tens of millions to Republicans for nothing, do you? When the Communists ruthlessly ruled Russia, after Jewish Bolsheviks assassinated the Royal Family and before they murdered tens of millions of Christians, one of the first things they did was make “anti-Semitism” a crime.

Of course, anti-Semitism is a misnomer. Arabs are Semites. What the GOP platform really means is anti-Judaism.

Americans pay $10 million a day to Israel — money which could pay for college tuition for many Americans — and yet the Republicans say they should not be permitted to condemn Israeli actions in their own universities. Does that make any sense?

Yes, it makes perfect sense. If you understand the ideology of Judaism — which is not the religion of Moses — and its methods of psychological warfare, it makes perfect sense.

By the way, if what Israel is doing is right and good, there should be no fear of it being openly discussed or criticized in any way.

— Comments —

Terry Morris writes:

Would Republicans condemn a campus-based campaign against the KKK? Something tells me they wouldn’t. And yet the Jewish lobby is much more powerful and destructive than the KKK ever thought of being.


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