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Agitprop in Dallas « The Thinking Housewife
The Thinking Housewife

Agitprop in Dallas

July 11, 2016

JAY DYER examined the “Dallas attack dialectics” over the weekend:

The recent events (and subsequent incoherent media narratives) in Dallas continue to unravel, familiar patterns have already emerged that once again paint a now familiar picture of large-scale planning. We are now expected to believe this highly coordinated, professional “sniper” operation, whose numbers and details have now significantly changed, were conducted by the likes of a former vet and unknown accomplices for the purposes of targeting “white people,” and in particular, police.

Immediately given the symbolic title “Michael X” to affiliate the suspect with Malcolm X, the entire scenario, from the revised proclamation of cell terrorist to “lone wolf,” now smells of sub-par Hollywood script-writing – especially the ludicrous climax of “hidden IEDs” followed by police deploying a bomb-carrying Robocop R2D2-like executioner as the only rational means of finally halting the crazed assassin.

As we will see, the event also echoes prior known false flags and staged scenarios, as well as fitting a general pattern of Soros-style color revolutions and agitation propaganda, on top of the fact that the evolving official story is preposterous.

While it may appear contradictory at first glance, the notion that such an event could fit the “progressive” mold of a color revolution is not far-fetched. [cont.]

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