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Aiding and Abetting School Violence « The Thinking Housewife
The Thinking Housewife

Aiding and Abetting School Violence

July 30, 2016

THE ideological pursuit of racial equality at all costs has once again led to chaos. It was an unusually chaotic year in the schools of St. Paul, Minnesota, where teachers were increasingly under attack by out-of-control black students and could not discipline them because of Superintendent Valeria Silva’s efforts to keep black disciplinary rates on par with those of whites.

Katherine Kersten writes at The Federalist:

Fortunately for St. Paul’s children, the city’s parents and teachers were able to hold Silva democratically accountable. But the federal government is now imposing Silva-style “racial equity” discipline policies on school districts around the country under a “disparate impact” interpretation of civil rights law. When these districts experience increased violence and disorder, citizens there will be powerless to stop the debacle.

The greatest victims will be the poor and minority children in whose names these policies are imposed, but who will now be expected to learn in a chaotic environment where learning has become impossible.

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