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Corporal Klinger in the Military « The Thinking Housewife
The Thinking Housewife

Corporal Klinger in the Military

July 16, 2016

CLIFF KINCAID writes at Tradition in Action:

Transvestite and cross-dresser are terms that used to refer to Corporal Klinger wearing dresses and women’s hats as a character on the comedy show M*A*S*H. It was his attempt to get discharged. Today, in real life, Obama’s Defense Secretary Ash Carter has announced the transgendered can serve openly without fear of being discharged.

Under the Constitution, the Congress is supposed to make the rules and regulations for the Armed Forces. Article I, Section 8, clause 14 says, “The Congress shall have Power To …make Rules for the Government and Regulation of the land and naval Forces….”

Our media reported the policy change without explaining on what basis, legal or constitutional, the change was made.

CNN simply said Carter had removed “one of the last barriers to military service by any individual,” and that he “had been studying the issue for almost a year.”

There is another term for this change. It’s called totalitarianism. By forcing that part of the population most likely to resist the homosexual agenda to accept it, this rule makes the military an accomplice in the Revolution which seeks to wipe every last trace of Christian civilization off the face of the earth. Most people cannot even conceive of the preternatural hatred that lies behind this.

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