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Dallas Con Artists « The Thinking Housewife
The Thinking Housewife

Dallas Con Artists

July 11, 2016


Dallas Police Mannequin-in-Chief, David Brown

Dallas Police Mannequin-in-Chief, David Brown

THE Anti-New York Times reports on the Dallas Hoax:

It would be impossible for LHS (Langley-Hollywood Studios) to pull off such a stunt [no images of bodies and no videos of the actual Dallas shootings — in a city packed with cameras] without help from local authorities — in particular, Dallas Mayor Mike Rawlings and Dallas Police Chief David Brown. Rawlings is a well-connected, Obongo-loving former businessman (CEO of Pizza Hut) who defeated a former Police Chief to win the Mayorship of now-Democrat Dallas in 2011.

President Barack Obama shakes hands with Dallas Mayor Mike Rawlings after arriving at Love Field in Dallas, Tuesday, Oct. 4, 2011. Obama is attending fund raisers in Dallas and will speak at Childrenís Laboratory School at Eastfield College in Mesquite, Texas., on the American Jobs Act. (AP Photo/Susan Walsh)

Dallas Mayor Mike Rawlings hails from the Pizza Industrial Complex

Fed-connected Police Chief Brown was installed as a “reformer” in 2010, and praised by anti-cop libtards and Marxists ever since. He graduated from the FBI National Academy and the FBI National Executive Institute, the National Counter-Terrorism Seminar in Tel Aviv (cough cough), and the United States Secret Service dignitary protection seminar.

Since taking over the department, at least 143 police officers have resigned in disgust as recruitment has stagnated (here). The verbally-challenged Brown, like Mayor Rawlings, is exactly the type of ambitious “reformer” that the likes of Obongo, the CIA / LHS, and the Piranha Press would have needed to coordinate with, pull off and, more importantly, cover up such a stunt. We should not expect any honest Dallas cops to publicly voice their suspicions anymore than we would those New York cops and firemen who quickly shut up about the bombs they heard going off during the 9-11-2001 attacks. Who wants to jeopardize a career and a pension by talking to some journalist whose editor would never carry the “conspiracy theory” TM anyway?

That’s how the cover-up dynamic works. And until people understand the formula, expect the “crisis actor” industry to keep hiring; and expect more and more of these false-false flag stunts to keep happening until Federal “oversight” (control) of both guns and local police departments is achieved. That’s the long game. The short game, we theorize, is to disrupt the coming political conventions and November election for the purpose of keeping the ‘American Pharaoh” in the Rainbow House for a “Triple Crown.”

And what about popular Texas Governor Greg Abbott (R), an outspoken critic of Homo-Obongo who had been strongly and openly challenging the Feds on trannie rights, immigration and gun laws? Abbott has been as silent as he has been invisible throughout the whole affair. Where the heck is Governor Abbott?

Finally, word comes after nearly 3 days from ABC News, July 10:

“Texas Governor Burned in Accident; Could Miss GOP Convention”
“Republican Gov. Greg Abbott of Texas sustained “extensive second- and third-degree burns” on both legs below the knees and both feet — and may miss next week’s Republican National Convention as a result, his office said Sunday.

Spokesman Matt Hirsch said Abbott was with his family in Jackson Hole, Wyoming, on Thursday when he was scalded in an accident involving hot water. He declined to provide further details.” (here)

Severely Scaliaed, er, scalded on the night of the shootings and one week before the Trump convention, eh? How bloody damn conveeenient! America, get ready. Something wicked this way comes.

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