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Elie Wiesel, cont. « The Thinking Housewife
The Thinking Housewife

Elie Wiesel, cont.

July 6, 2016

THE ANTI-NEW YORK TIMES has published its obituary (free to non-subscribers) for “E-lie the Weasel,” the mythomaniac whose grotesque fabrications about the “Holocaust” have provided coverage for years for the crimes of the Kosher Nostra:

In 1946, after learning of the Jewish terrorist group Irgun’s deadly bombing of the King David Hotel, Wiesel aligned himself with the murderous anti-British and anti-Arab underground movement — translating propaganda articles from Hebrew to Yiddish for Irgun publications. Strangely enough, for a full decade after the war, Wiesel had never once written nor talked about the Holocaust TM. After a meeting with the well-known French author Francois Mauriac (a communist sympathizer) E-Lie the Weasel was persuaded to begin writing about his alleged experiences.

Most people today are too attached to misguided fantasies about the nature of good and evil to believe that such a monstrous liar could go on spewing such monstrous lies for years. A 2011 video by Brother Nathanael Kapner exposes some of Wiesel’s lies and a new video critiques his theatrical skills. Wiesel was a multimillionaire. There’s no business like Shoah business.

— Comments —

Neil P. writes:

I saw him on PBS years ago saying that he saw Jews in Auschwitz “suffering more than Jesus ever did.” Well, there you have the Holocaust Religion. I saw that the Wikipedia page on his “novel” Night is blocked. So you can’t point out that Wiesel lied when he saw the earth bubbling up blood or that Jews were thrown into “fire pits.”

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