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Federalizing the American Police « The Thinking Housewife
The Thinking Housewife

Federalizing the American Police

July 8, 2016

THEY’RE doing it one incident at a time. That’s what it’s all about. That’s the end goal.

A police state must be centralized. Both blacks and whites are being terrorized into accepting it.

Out of chaos, they will bring order.

— Comments —

Mark Jaws writes:

Can you please give examples of this happening?

Laura writes:

The involvement of the FBI, the Department of Justice and the National Guard in the shootings in Charleston, Baltimore and Ferguson.

In Baltimore,

As if by magic, 10 federal agents from the Federal Bureau of Investigation, Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives, U.S. Drug Enforcement Administration, the U.S. Secret Service and the U.S. Marshals Service, we are told, will “embed” with the police department’s homicide unit for the next 60 days.

These agents joined the 20 ATF agents who were sent in last week to form BFED, a joint task force that “is the next step of an all-hands-on-deck movement,” according to Rawlings-Blake. She did not explain the acronym but one can only surmise that it stands for “Baltimore Fed” or something similar. (Source.)

In the case of Dylan Roof, in Charleston, the Department of Justice was considering terrorism charges.


53 police departments around the country have signed on so far to the White House-pressed Police Data Initiative, a plan by President Obama to make crime-fighting more technology-driven and accountable to higher-ups, but that is seen by critics as a not-so-subtle federal takeover of community policing.

The program, which comes by way of a recommendation from the Task Force on 21st Century Policing that Obama launched in December – which was created by the White House in response to widely reported instances of police-community clashes and alleged cop discrimination against minorities – is aimed at enhancing “data transparency and analysis” among police departments around the nation. (Source)

The common thread in the Dallas and police shootings of black men events, which I believe were all either stage-managed or totally contrived (more likely the latter), is police insufficiency or incompetence.

Laura adds:

The Department of Homeland Security and the DEA have been acting as national police forces for years, usurping the independence and self-determination of local communities.

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