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Feminist Men Persecute Their Wives « The Thinking Housewife
The Thinking Housewife

Feminist Men Persecute Their Wives

July 13, 2016

INSTEAD of blaming their financial difficulties on an inflationary and unjust monetary system (the Federal Reserve) or perhaps their own unrealistic expectations, men commenting at this site bitterly criticize their wives for not pulling in money. The site’s female advice expert, who considers housewives to be infantile parasites, eggs them on.

Thanks, feminism, for improving the condition of women!

Most of these men, I suspect, were initially attracted to and married their wives precisely because they were pretty, feminine and non-aggressive. Now, that their wives are not the busy careerists celebrated everywhere, they are angry. One man even divorced his wife because she did not make money. Thanks, feminism, for turning every marriage into a battleground!!

— Comments —

Lydia Sherman writes:

Feminist men think they are oppressed when women stay home to work at making the family successful physically, mentally and spiritually. They feel oppressed because homemakers deny them an extra income. I know men who make their stay-at-home wives buy their own food separately with any money they can scrape together, and pay for their half of the family vacations with birthday money from the grandparents. These feminist men refuse to understand the true value of women beyond financial things.

Laura writes:

Thanks, feminism, for monetizing women and making the most important work they do worthless in the eyes of the world.

Mrs. Sherman writes:

In reading the online record of a divorce of a couple I know, I noticed the subtle slam at the homemaker wife who helped her husband climb the ladder in his career:

Various sections of this summary refer to the wife’s 30-year homemaking career  as “being absent from the work place.”  Because she was “absent from the work place” it was spun as a hardship on the husband, who supported her for 30 years.

It was never mentioned that he walked out on her for another woman and sent a divorce paper to her unexpectedly. Nor was any note made of the many things she did to support him in his career. Instead, she was “absent from the work place.”  Today, women are going to be more frightened of being absent from the work place than being absent from the home.

Because she was “absent from the work place” the judge ruled in the husband’s favor, and reduced the amount such a wife would normally receive in support. The court ordered this woman to get a minimum-wage paying job. The amount she earned would be subtracted from the already-low monthly payment the ex-husband was supposed to pay.

Throughout this report, the slam at this housewife, who did not even want a divorce, is evident, even though she took her husband to and from college when they had but one car, so he could advance himself in his career. She was “absent” from the work place, and now she must suffer the consequences.

Not recorded in the report was the home-made lunches she made him daily when he did go to work, so that he would not have to pay for lunch somewhere else, or the uniforms she washed and ironed daily for home and the hundreds of extra-early morning breakfasts she cooked for him.  She was “absent from the workplace.”

There was no record made of the upkeep of their house that she provided while he was at work, or the myriad things she did for his relatives and the children. Her own parents paid some of the cost of his education so he could get a higher wage in his company, but this was not recorded in the report.

In former days, when there was a newspaper report of a crime committed by a young person, it sometimes included the statement: “His mother was absent from the home” which indicated she had taken on a job somewhere and was not watching and training her children during their formative years.

Now, in a court of law, instead of “wife was absent from the home” being a justification for divorce or a reason for a delinquent child, the statement reads, “Wife was absent from the work place for 30 years.”  Do you see how this belief is spread by sleight of wording?

I know this lady personally, and even the phone calls were altered to make it look like she was threatening him, so that he could avoid any payment of support equal to what she was used to in her 30-year marriage.

She ended up having nothing, since he got the lawyers to agree she had made no financial contribution to the marriage.  I know for certain that she took a lot of the monetary gifts they received at Christmases, and trustingly deposited them in a retirement account, which she now will never receive.

And so I ask you, who are the real feminists?

Mrs. Sherman writes:

As for the site “Shrink4men” that you linked, I am sure shrink means “therapy” but look at it: they are small men who send their wives to work. This has to be a site created by a Shekel-stein.

Terry Morris writes:

What a bunch of panzies and self-absorbed ingrates those men are! And that’s the nice way to put it.

B. writes:

On your post on divorce where the husband was feminist:

Honestly such things don’t really happen that often. I’m a single man, 29 years old, in good shape with an income over twice my country’s national average. I know I’m probably not going to meet the nice girl fit to be a housewife (despite that being my preference). I go to a parish with a pair of cuckled priests.  I don’t go every week anymore. I’m feeling more unsure the more I read of Pope Francis about persisting at all.

I find it hard to condemn men who are defensive with marriage.

Laura writes:

Yes, it doesn’t happen that often. Thank you for pointing that out. But it does happen and the men in question are despicable jerks. I remember once being at a party where a man blisteringly criticized his wife for not being employed. He said all she did was “drive around all day.” She was driving around getting things for him and their young children and their home.

Preserve your faith. Here is some good advice.

You write:

I know I’m probably not going to meet the nice girl fit to be a housewife (despite that being my preference).

If there is a woman out there reading this who would like to correspond with this young man, please write to me.

Laura adds:

Oh, and “Pope” Francis ain’t a pope.

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