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Heretic Hunting in Wyoming « The Thinking Housewife
The Thinking Housewife

Heretic Hunting in Wyoming

July 12, 2016

RUTH NEELY, a Wyoming municipal judge, never declined to perform a same-sex “marriage” ceremony before she was hauled before a judicial ethics commission and removed from her position for mentioning her religious convictions to a newspaper reporter. She was punished for committing a thought crime. William N. Grigg, a libertarian, writes:

Ruth Neely, unlike Kim Davis, was not actively impeding the issuance of marriage licenses to same-sex couples. She was not declining to bake wedding cakes, or do floral arrangements, or act as a wedding photographer for same-sex wedding ceremonies – all of which are exercises of property rights that our rulers now consider to be unlawful. Her only overt “act” was to express her religious convictions and correctly observe that they are in tension with what the Judicial Branch now wants us to pretend is the “law.”

In doing so, she violated what the Lavender Leninists have styled the “right” to “affirmation” of same-sex unions – in the words of the California Supreme Court, “the right of [same-sex] couples to have their family relationship accorded respect and dignity equal to that accorded the family relationship of opposite-sex couples.”


At the time of the Stonewall uprising, and for years after, the refrain of the gay rights movement was: Keep the police out of our private behavior. In its late-Leninist phase, the movement now demands that the state use its police power to punish those who withhold their approval of that private behavior.

Neely has filed an appeal of her removal and of a $40,000 fine with the Wyoming Supreme Court.

“Gay marriage” is just another term for anti-Christian totalitarianism.

— Comments —

Terry Morris writes:

Wyoming — good place to hunt heretics.

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