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“How Jews Are Brainwashed” « The Thinking Housewife
The Thinking Housewife

“How Jews Are Brainwashed”

July 15, 2016

FROM a 2004 piece by Henry Makow:

Jewish children are taught that Jews are disliked or hated due to no wrong-doing or fault of their own. Jews have been persecuted because of an irrational gentile trait, anti-Semitism. Explanations for this weird behavior include envy or scapegoating, or the Crucifixion of Christ.

The Jewish child naturally grows up feeling that he is an outsider and society is flawed. An idealist, he wants to “change the world” so this type of injustice cannot occur. Thus unwittingly he becomes a pliant instrument of the Jewish power elite’s “revolutionary” or globalist agenda. 

Apologists serving this elite continue to mislead Jews. Take this recent article by Dennis Prager for example. Entitled “Blame the Jews?” it begins “No group in the world has been the target of nearly as many twisted and ludicrous accusations.” 

A Jewish reader sent it to me. See, we really are persecuted, she wanted to say.

Prager, co-author of Why the Jews? The Reason for Anti Semitism (2003) addresses the notion, advanced by Pat Buchanan and others, that Jews are responsible for the Iraq War. He compares this to other fantastic libels like the Jews started the Great Plague or made blood sacrifices of gentile children.

“Many groups have been hated in history, but their haters never made up as many lies, let alone such grandiose lies, as have Jews’ enemies,” Prager writes.  [cont.]

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