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Nice « The Thinking Housewife
The Thinking Housewife


July 15, 2016


In Nice, the police state advances

FIVE things are striking in the reports of an attack in Nice in which a truck — allegedly driven by a Muslim terrorist who was subsequently killed and thus can never be questioned — went careening through a Bastille Day crowd:

1. In Western countries, when people are injured, even when they are injured lethally, emergency medical personnel do not typically abandon them on roads or in other public places. They take them to the hospital. In Nice, as with Bataclan, we see covered bodies simply left out in the open with no one treating them. It is sometimes possible to resuscitate gravely injured people with advanced hospital equipment. Where is the outrage about this poor treatment? Where was the outrage after Bataclan?

2. There were reportedly government drills in the area before the attack.

3.  Trucks are large, visible and cumbersome. As they move through crowds, they alert people to their presence. If a person is shooting from a truck, people flee. They don’t just stand there waiting to be shot or waiting to be run over. The death toll is very high.

4.  Who will benefit? The security apparatus in France (a state of emergency has already been reinstated), financial interests that want ongoing war in the Middle East, and Israel. No Muslim countries will benefit. Muslims as a group will not benefit.

5.  Bastille Day, a celebration of the French Revolution, has great symbolic significance for Freemasons. Masonry played a decisive role in instigating the French Revolution, which served its aims, not the interests of the ordinary man, above all.

I await a press conference by President Obama on the urgent need for anti-truck laws.

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