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Nice and Munich « The Thinking Housewife
The Thinking Housewife

Nice and Munich

July 26, 2016

THE alternative media has been abuzz during the past week with reports that the same German photographer, who is married to a former Israeli politician who previously worked for Israeli intelligence, just happened to be on hand to film both the Nice and Munich “terror” attacks.

Odd coincidence.

— Comments —

Call Me Jorge writes:

Richard Gutjahr’s wife, Einat Wilf, works at The Wasington Institute of Near East Policy where she is the Baye Foundation Adjunct Fellow. The president of The Wasington Institute of Near East Policy is Patrick Clawson.

Here’s a clip of Patrick Clawson saying we need a false flag to go to war with Iran. Here’s a full clip so one can see it hasn’t been taken out of context

Mark Krikorian is an unelected mandarin in Washington, D.C. where he is the executive director of the Center for Immigration Studies. Krikorian was all over the news concerning the truck rampage as he happened to be vacationing in Nice, France. He reported (to CBS) that he didn’t actually witness the rampage just that he saw people running from it and then adds his two cents to the official narrative. Don’t know about you but making an international call to a national ‘news channel’ would be the last thing on our mind if we had been in Nice at this time.

There is a lot to both of these attacks which don’t add up. Either one of them deserves a detailed examination which would end up being a book as there are also many strange coincidences and relationships.

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