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Orlando Sheriffs Dance « The Thinking Housewife
The Thinking Housewife

Orlando Sheriffs Dance

July 14, 2016


ON JULY 1, less than three weeks after one of the worst massacres in U.S. history reportedly occurred in its county seat, the Orange County, Florida Sheriff’s Department, which played a major role in handling the Orlando event, released this video.

youtube journalist speculates that these civil servants were celebrating a live drill well done. (Profanity warning.) At the very least, their behavior is, let’s say, not consistent with a major tragedy. You’d think they might at least be sobered or chastened by the fact that government police forces had failed to protect citizens from massive lethal harm. The idea is that they are offering joy in the face of evil, I guess, but that’s an odd reaction, to say the least, for those who have actually seen horrendous bloodshed, with the skulls and chests of dozens of young people blown apart, and families devastated by shock and grief. Real violence never produces joy.

Keep dancing, America. By the time you wake up, it will be way too late.

Speaking of dancing, here is George Bush nearly breaking into a dance at the Dallas memorial for the five police officers reportedly killed last week. Bush is standing next to the very manly-looking Michelle Obama, who briefly joins in his joy. Nothin’ makes you smile like a massacre. (Wink, wink)


— Comments —

Terry Morris writes:

Ummm, all I can say is, “Wow!” Dancing to “Battle Hymn” (which we know was a humanist invocation when written, not a Christian one, but nevertheless). Just, wow!

Michael S. writes:

I’m tempted to say that now I’ve seen it all, but something tells me that would be premature.

RE Bush… Is he drunk? He’s certainly acting like it. Wow, indeed.

Laura writes:

I don’t think he’s drunk. I think he’s ecstatic that he’s not the only president to participate in outrageous lies. He can’t contain himself.


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