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“Communism by the Back Door” « The Thinking Housewife
The Thinking Housewife

“Communism by the Back Door”

August 12, 2016


THE 21-part documentary New World Order: Communism by the Backdoor, produced by Dennis Wise,  is a powerful and riveting exploration of the totalitarian forces of globalism. Many pressing issues are discussed: World War II, conflict in the Middle East, the “cancer” of usury, the migrant invasion of Europe, mass immigration in America, multiculturalism, false flags, the Talmudic quest for world domination, Islam in Europe, Britain’s downfall, the occult, the satanic decadence of popular culture — and much more, all of it interconnected because all of it derives from a heavily concealed and organized effort to create a one world government, or New World Order.

One of the important points made by Wise and those interviewed is that we cannot address the problems of today unless we understand the wars of the 20th century. The series busts some of the myths, especially those involving the demonization of the German people. In addition, the episodes on Freemasonry, the United Nations and Hollywood are terrific. Some outstanding commentators, such as E. Michael Jones and John MacManus, are featured. Even the segment on the infiltration of the Catholic Church is dynamite, giving a lucid and ringing endorsement of sedevacantism. I have reservations or objections about a few of the points made (I do not, for instance, support a war of eradication against Israel, as is mentioned by one of the people interviewed; also the episode on the Torah should have been about the Talmud) and there is strong language condemning Judaic subversion that will make some readers truly apoplectic, but my impression after watching 16 episodes is overwhelmingly positive. (Of course, some will find the points made here so contrary to what they have been taught that they will reject all of it — and be mad as hell as well.) I am sure this is well worth your time, especially in these dog days of summer. If you find anything that is unsupported by the evidence, I’d be interested to know.

(Foul language alert for the opening few minutes. At least one episode, which carries a warning, includes violent imagery.)

— Comments —

Terry Morris writes:

When I first found the series (through watching Wise’s other great work, Hitler, the Greatest Story Never Told), I read a review of “Backdoor Communism” in which the person wrote in part (no kidding!) that the documentary is highly questionable because it goes against the grain of mainstream thought on these topics.

Wise’s excellent work in “The Greatest Story Never Told” had already convinced me that I had to see this latest documentary as well, but even if that were not the case, the review in question would have sealed the deal. Amazing (simply amazing!) how easily people are led. …

Laura writes:

I have not seen Wise’s first movie.

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