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Demonizing Assad « The Thinking Housewife
The Thinking Housewife

Demonizing Assad

August 11, 2016

CLAIRE writes:

Thank you for posting the interview with Assad. I watched it in its entirety. It supports my suspicion that he is not the boogeyman he is made out to be in the media. The interviewer had an obvious intention to make him out as such but failed spectacularly.

I asked my husband if the propaganda has became more painfully obvious lately or if we’re more tuned in to detecting the lies. It’s his impression that it has gotten more obvious. I follow the news much more than he does. Many of those that can critically think have figured it out and the media are focusing on the remaining people who believe what they see on TV without question.

I, like Mike Rivero, on What Really Happened, worry about  how they will handle losing this propaganda war… Major false flag is my big fear. Of course I pray for that not to happen.

Thank you for your posts. I appreciate your blog.

Laura writes:

Thank you.

Assad is an impressive figure. Truly, I can’t imagine someone as poised and articulate running for the U.S. presidency.

Here, as described at Non-Aligned Media, is more revolting, anti-Assad rhetoric from a former CIA deputy director:

Morrell then outlined his desire to attack Syrian President Bashar al-Assad’s powerbase, saying he wants to “go after his presidential guard” and “bomb his offices in the middle of the night.” “I wanna destroy his presidential aircraft on the ground, I wanna destroy his presidential helicopters, I wanna make him think we’re coming after him,” the hawkish ex-intelligence chief said, stopping short of advocating Assad’s assassination.

“I want [Assad] to think … ‘this is not going to end well for me.’”

Morell served as deputy director of the CIA from 2012 to 2013 under the Obama-Clinton White House. In a New York Times op-ed, Morell threw his weight behind warmonger Hilary Clinton for president, who shares his militarist views towards the governments of Syria, Iran and Russia. Clinton has in the past made clear her intention to “attack Iran” and “completely obliterate them” if Tehran ever threatened Israel.

— End of Initial Entry —

Aservant writes:

I’ve been watching Assad interviews for a couple of years now and had the same reaction as yourself and Claire when seeing the first. Generally speaking, I despise all politicians: upon seeing Assad interviewed, that all changed……at least in the case of a single politician. Not only did I not despise him, my mouth was agape with admiration. If only we could have someone like him to lead us out of the abominable darkness we find ourselves under.

It is the same, ole tired playbook that the American administrations have been using since WWII, perhaps much longer. A national leader suddenly goes from being “our guy” to being the epitome of the devil, and of course the vast majority of the dumbed–down American public swallow it hook, line and sinker. But on the bright side, there are more and more, like yourself Laura, and many of your readers, that are catching on.

This interview, along with the others that I have seen, are excellent “wake up devices”, for lack of a better term, to present to the uninitiated. Assad portrays such poise and wisdom, that when contrasted against the behavior of the buffoonish, paid propagandists posing as journalists, only the most dense could not see it for what it is. Unfortunately, many, if not most, still won’t.

But it will be quality that justifies the righteous, not quantity, just as wisdom is justified by her children.


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