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Hillary on the “Alt-Right” « The Thinking Housewife
The Thinking Housewife

Hillary on the “Alt-Right”

August 26, 2016

PETER BRIMELOW responds to Hillary Clinton’s speech attacking Trump supporters and the “alt-right” movement. Overall Brimelow does a good job of responding.

Hillary’s speech was standard, boiler-plate shaming of white Americans from a woman who is constantly inciting nonwhites to consider, and feel pride in, their collective, racial interests. The European people are on the verge of becoming a minority in America as a result of the 1965 Immigration and Nationality Act and only they are considered hateful for fighting to preserve their heritage and culture. Most major urban newspapers in America have black columnists who openly discuss their racial identity and interests. They are never accused of hatefulness.

As Brimelow says, the problem isn’t that whites are hateful, it’s that they are hated.

Those who consider race to be the highest, or most important, factor of life are wrong. But so are those who claim race is nothing — an idea usually only advanced when it comes to whites.

If the American people were racist, they never would have accepted and accommodated with great kindness and generosity so many immigrants in the first place. Where are the incidences of racialist attacks against immigrants by hateful whites? There should be tens of thousands of these incidents if America were riddled with white racial extremists. Instead such attacks are almost non-existent. Imagine the Chinese taking in so many American or European immigrants that they become a minority in their own nation  and then — after they have provided these immigrants with jobs, government support, free education and a life without harassment, after thousands of them have been assaulted or killed by some of the new arrivals, being accused of being hateful because they wanted to remain a Chinese country!

But for whites, after years of being taught that only the white race is guilty of Original Sin, this basic logic is difficult to grasp. It’s okay for the Chinese to be Chinese, but it’s not okay for the white European to be a white European.  They lap up the charges of hatefulness with a sick, twisted masochistic fervor — a perversion of Christian notions of guilt and atonement.

Hillary’s speech has ironically given some legitimacy to the alt-right, which is basically a nationalist movement that includes many different types of websites, ranging from the pagan to the Christian. Yes, there are hateful white people, but they typically don’t gain broad support. The alt-right has grown because the European people feel more and more like strangers in their own land.

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