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Khan Man vs. Trump « The Thinking Housewife
The Thinking Housewife

Khan Man vs. Trump

August 1, 2016

FROM The Anti-New York Times:

It is always as amusing as it is aggravating to witness the speed with which the intolerant atheists of the political Left can, when the situation calls for it, suddenly switch on a dime and profess such love and empathy for Christianity and, in this case, Islam. The latest display of this hypocrisy is evident in the sudden “rock star” status bestowed upon one Khizr Khan, father of Humayun Saqib Muazzam Khan, a Pakistani-Muslim-American soldier killed in the Iraq War, in 2004.

In this article by Maggie Haberman (cough cough) and Richard Oppel (cough cough), Papa Khan is cast as the righteous victim-hero who dares to defy the evil anti-Muslim bigot who would be King. Whether Papa Khan knows it or not, this is just a goof-ball script straight out of Hollywood. Sulzberger’s Slimes and the Demonrat Party couldn’t possibly care any less about some dead Muslim soldier or his offended parents. Papa Khan is either a pathetic fool who can’t see that he is being used, or there are some shekels coming his way in gratitude for the “historic” anti-Trump speech which he delivered during last week’s Demonrat Convention in Filthydelphia. Bravo, Papa Khan, bravo — and a shout-out to Mama Khan for her silent pictures routine.

Regular readers of The Anti-New York Times are aware of our disdain for Orange Man’s [Donald Trump’s] ignorant obsession with the fictional phenomenon that he insists we must call “radical Islamic terrorism.” However, in this particular case, we are compelled to defend Orange Man from the nasty attacks of this ignorant alien buffoon who seems to believe that his loss affords him some special moral authority that absolves him of the burden of logical thinking. Sorry Khan-Man — nobody gets a logic pass at The Anti-New York Times!


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A reader writes:

Here’s another perspective.

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