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The Conspiracy behind “Conspiracy Theories” « The Thinking Housewife
The Thinking Housewife

The Conspiracy behind “Conspiracy Theories”

August 24, 2016

HERE’S one heck of a conspiracy theory: Some contend that the term “conspiracy theory” was invented by the CIA. Wow, what will they do next? See more by Paul Craig Roberts.

Speaking of conspiracy theories, a black assistant professor at Oberlin College was recently suspended from her job for rejecting the official story of 9/11 in her posts on Facebook. The liberal Oberlin dissing a black professor? Hmm, her heresy must have been quite serious. Yes, the American KGB (that stands for Anti-Defamation League in Russian) found out about it and said Joy Karega must go. Well, you know, someone has to destroy careers.

Oh, dear. Oh, dear, dear, dear. This is something.

I am sorry for the courageous Ms. Karega, but no one bothers to suppress fiction.

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