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The Fun Fallacy « The Thinking Housewife
The Thinking Housewife

The Fun Fallacy

August 12, 2016


THE belief that if Catholics are fun, fun, fun, they will draw people to their faith, is a cardinal tenet of the false religion of Vatican II. In fact, many people are simply repelled by something so lacking in reverence, majesty and seriousness. If you want song and dance you can go to your local Evangelical church, which is usually far less stringent in its moral demands. Besides, even cool nuns make lousy dancers.

A blogger calls the annual pagan festival known as World Youth Day, which just wrapped up in Krakow, Poland, “World Moron Day.” At The Eyewitness, he writes:

I’m tempted to once again mention the famous Belloc quote about standing by and watching the Barbarians but will instead point out that this sort of thing is not Catholic. Clueless young people travel long distances for an emotional “high” offered by a media-celebrated Pope.  What good will this do for them?  What solid, demonstrable good?  Emotions do not produce Saints, and these jamborees are nothing if not emotionalism gone to extremes.  Archbishop Bugnini must be smiling from beyond the grave.  I won’t say he is looking down and smiling, because it is doubtful he landed in a place where he would be looking down on anything.  More likely he is looking up.

I feel profoundly sorry for the young people who attend these organized idiocies. It fills me with a deep sadness to see them so badly served by their spiritual leaders. For I know that these kids are not being spiritually nourished at all despite the so-called Masses being offered and the scores of Confessionals strewn about the grounds of these events.  These young people need to see and understand their Catholic heritage; instead they are offered mindless rock tunes and the sorry spectacle of nuns and priests acting like asses, gyrating and grooving to what some people call “songs”.

I cannot but believe that God is offended by these displays of mass hysteria, a hysteria helped along by American “showmanship” and all the glitter and glamour so beloved of the entertainment industry.

How many conversions – real conversions – will result from a visit to World Youth Day?  Probably not many.  There may be emotional conversions but those kinds of conversions don’t last too long.  Real, true conversions of heart and mind are quite rare these days, and for very understandable reasons.

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