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The Racist Photo ID « The Thinking Housewife
The Thinking Housewife

The Racist Photo ID

August 1, 2016


This man went through the torturous and discriminatory process of obtaining a photo ID.

IT was bad enough that the bigots of North Carolina, wrongly thinking that they were living in a democracy, passed a law excluding men from women’s restrooms. They also all but ordered mass lynchings by attempting to enact legislation that required photo identification for voters at the polls.

Yes, the evil, white bogeymen of North Carolina, who irrationally persist in thinking they can make their own laws, hold the hateful belief that even their black citizens are intelligent and capable enough to acquire photo identification



federal appeals court last week threw out a North Carolina law requiring ID (funny, how federal judges can just do that). The judges, who just happen to represent the party that would most benefit from black voter fraud, came perilously close to saying that the people of North Carolina are haters and nothing they do or say can ever redeem them. In code language that everyone understands, that’s exactly what they said. Writing for the court, Judge Diana Motz, said the voter ID law showed “an inextricable link between race and politics in North Carolina” and targeted blacks with “surgical precision,” as if the law, which applied to whites too, was an actual bomb. (We know there isn’t an inextricable link between race and politics in, say, New York City.)

Here are the thoughts of Governor Pat McGrory, nothing but a modern-day incarnation of a slave driver:

“Photo IDs are required to purchase Sudafed, cash a check, board an airplane or enter a federal courtroom,” Mr. McCrory said. “Yet three Democratic judges are undermining the integrity of our elections while also maligning our state.”

The intention behind the law was rotten, said the federal court. It does not matter that voter ID is a common sensical check against fraud that every state should adopt no matter how white or black it is. It does not matter that government and charities can help those who are poor obtain ID. What matters is that North Carolinians are bigots.

The Washington Post found absolute proof that the law was made with devious racial hatred in mind. The smoking gun? Voter fraud does not exist. Get that? Reports of voter fraud are as common as reports of abduction by space aliens. Of course, perpetrators of voter fraud immediately call the League of Women Voters to report what they have done. “Hello? Is this the League of Women Voters? Hi, I would like to report that I have just voted on behalf of my friend, Johneesha, for 50 bucks.” People are sooner abucted by Martians than agree to spend half an hour voting for someone else for a certain amount of cash.

The Exploiter of Blacks insists the black man is capable enough to attend any university, and yet says he is not intelligent or capable enough to obtain a simple voter ID.  It’s actually racist to think blacks are capable. But that’s not surprising. The pursuit of “racial equality” is not intended to treat black Americans with dignity, but to use them as pawns in the political conquest of America by …. those who are as white as snow.

What will the evil people of North Carolina do next?

Heaven only knows.

Perhaps they will pass a law — hateful to the core — saying two plus two equals four!

— Comments —

William Tychonievich writes:

The headline “The Racist Photo ID,” followed by a picture of one man’s driver’s license, had me poring over the license trying to figure out what was so racist about it! Could “bro” be read as an abbreviation of “brotha” instead of “brown”? Could “Class: NONE” have been taken as a put-down? I could have saved myself some time and bemusement by just reading the post first.

Laura writes:

That’s funny. I can understand your confusion.

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