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“Election Night Gatekeepers” « The Thinking Housewife
The Thinking Housewife

“Election Night Gatekeepers”

September 14, 2016

DONALD TRUMP is the first presidential candidate who has spoken of the possibility of a rigged election. The website Election Night Gatekeepers looks at the vote-counting process, and it ain’t pretty:

This is what happens on the November election night across the USA since at least as far back as 1988:

Four Three Mysterious Mega-Companies “count” the vote on the November Election Night.

One of the traits of these “Election Count” gatekeepers is that they periodically change names, and/or buy each other, but the players and background forces remain essentially the same. These surface changes of ownership and change of names seems designed to give the impression that the gatekeepers are diverse as opposed to comprising a monolithic force, and perhaps to try and keep ahead of the investigations and criminal indictments that should have come long ago.

For most of the last two decades, four mega-companies “counted” around 96% of the USA vote on November election nights. These companies were ES & S (Election Systems & Software), Hart Civic, Diebold, and Sequoia. Veteran reporter Ronnie Dugger covered this reality in his 2004 article in The Nationmagazine entitled, “How they could Steal the Election This Time”.

Circa 2013, a company called Dominion bought Diebold and Sequoia. So that’s why we have 13 crossed out, and now only 12 Election Night gatekeepers, and 4 crossed out, and now only 3 mega-companies counting 96% of the US vote.

One of these three companies, ES & S, headquartered in Omaha, Nebraska, “counts” 60% of the US vote on November election nights.

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