Flight 1771
September 22, 2016
MIKE KING writes at The Anti-New York Times:
The incredible revenge-mass murder-suicide drama of Flight 1771 and the subsequent investigation are the stuff of Hollywood movies. The tragic 1987 event was, at that time, the 2nd worst mass murder event in US History (just 2 shy of the 1927 Bath, Michigan school bombing). Flight 1771 remains the worst incident of mass murder in the history of California.
But for some strange reason, the amazing story began to fade away from the media’s radar, literally within 24 hours of the event. An archival review of The New York Times (aka the “paper of record”) turns up just 4 short and incomplete stories over a 4 day period. The headlines are listed below, followed by our rebuttal. Stay with this piece because there is a shocking twist at the end; a twist which will tie in ‘the Big Picture’ of things.
The plane disaster was the work of David Burke (below), a disgruntled black employee. That’s why it was buried, King contends.