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Hit the Road, Vatican Two!!!! « The Thinking Housewife
The Thinking Housewife

Hit the Road, Vatican Two!!!!

September 13, 2016


THE FIRST Anti-Vatican II song, Vatican 2! What the Heck Are You?, has been released by True Restoration, and it’s a winner! It’s a catchy tune, sung and performed by the outstanding Damo, and I know you’ll like it. “Oh, Vatican Two! You are the Great Apostasy!… Oh, Vatican Two! It’s easy to tell, You’re not from heaven, You are straight from Hell!” Sing it after the latest Bergoglian bombs have been detonated. Listen here or here.

Oh Vatican Two! Influenced by Bugnini, instead of wine and bread you’re using beer and linguini
You’ve stolen our churches, cathedrals, and our name, our monasteries and convents which soon we will reclaim.

Oh Vatican Two! Where did you come from? If you did not exist I would not have to sing this song!
Religious Liberty, and Existentialism, the Dignity of Man, and False Ecumenism.

Oh Vatican Two! Your days are numbered. Your cupboard is bare just like Mother Hubbard.
The truth never changes this is not to be debated
We look forward to the day when you will be annihilated!

O Glorious Prince of the Heavenly Host, St. Michael the Archangel, defend us in battle.

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