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Richard Gage on C-Span « The Thinking Housewife
The Thinking Housewife

Richard Gage on C-Span

September 1, 2016


RICHARD GAGE, founder of Architects and Engineers for 9/11 Truth, was interviewed on C-Span in August, 2014. The interview, which was reportedly prompted by many hundreds of listeners requesting it, is a fantastic introduction for newcomers to 9/11 truth. It is the only time the mainstream media have given serious time to Gage’s organization. The fact that the media have not covered the story of the 9/11 truth movement and its principle arguments is positive proof of a cover-up. For even if the movement was in error, it is a good story — and wherever journalists ignore good stories, there is a cover-up.

The fact that building codes have never been revised after 9/11 is also proof that no civil authorities seriously believe that World Trade Center 7 collapsed from small fires.

Here is an encounter in 2009 between Gage and a questioning tourist outside the White House.

Gage does not consider the question of who perpetrated the 9/11 attacks. His organization is merely concerned with the physical evidence that the official story is not true.

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