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Shanksville « The Thinking Housewife
The Thinking Housewife


September 8, 2016


NO PASSENGER JET ever crashed in Shanksville, Pennsylvania on 9/11. There were no bodies and no plausible passenger jet plane wreckage.  Susan McElwain (above) saw a drone-like object fly overhead and crash at the site where a plane was said to have crashed.

Rick King was Assistant Chief of the Shanksville Volunteer Fire Department and was one of the first people to arrive at the scene. He said:

“The crater was there, there was a landing gear tire that was on fire, trees were smoldering, small brush fires, the smell of jet fuel, just small pieces of debris scattered everywhere. Nothing really identifiable you know as far as a plane.

“First off, where was the plane? Where were the people? That was my first thought, We did a search through the woods and didn’t find anything or anybody, at first. I heard a plane, I knew it was an airline, a passenger jet. That was the scary thing for me.”

The coroner Wallace Miller reported repeatedly that he saw no bodies and no blood.

He told author David McCall: “I got to the actual crash site and could not believe what I saw. … Usually you see much debris, wreckage, and much noise and commotion. This crash was different. There was no wreckage, no bodies, and no noise. … It appeared as though there were no passengers or crew on this plane.” (David McCall, From Tragedy to Triumph, 2002, pp. 86-87) Source

The story of United Flight 93 proved that tens of millions of people could be fooled very easily, especially when they are traumatized and a lie is broadcast over and over again, with no contradiction or doubt. There was no plane wreckage. And yet people believed.

Much has been made of the abundant evidence that the Twin Towers came down in controlled demolitions. The Shanksville deception is even more obvious.



— Comments —

Al writes:

I enjoy your blog and just thought I would add my two cents regarding the Shanksville article.

Around the mid-nineties, there was a crash in NE Minnesota involving a 19 passenger turboprop airplane flown by a regional airline. The specifics of what caused the crash aren’t necessary here but the force of the impact was so great that the remains of the crew and passengers were said to have been able to fit inside a refrigerator. Keep in mind that the speed of this turboprop was significantly less than the speed at impact of United 93(I read 500mph on a link in your post).

The deep crater at Shanksville suggests a steep angle at which the aircraft impacted the ground, and with such a forceful impact it becomes apparent as to why there was little wreckage other than one of the landing gear tires, some smaller debris and the smell of jet fuel. I believe it is a reasonable conclusion that no bodies would be found under such circumstances – or anything that resembles a body for that matter.

Laura writes:

Thank you.

See this at Pilots for 9/11 Truth:

We have the pdf’s for UA93 FDR via NTSB. I noticed the FDR shows UA93 at 40 degrees pitch down and -5 degrees Angle of Attack at impact (FDR shows -15 as level throughout flight, -20 at impact). If that was the case, it would seem UA93 would be making a long ditch along the flight path while impacting the ground and spreading wreckage at close to a 35 degree flight path. The pictures of UAL93 impact crater shows a vertical, straight down crater (~90 degrees vertical), not a 35 degree impact creating a long ditch. Remember, the ground here is reported to be very soft.

Also, there was evidence of plane wreckage, including human remains, about eight miles away, at Indian Lake. Christopher Bollyn wrote:

the bodies of the victims and wreckage were actually … picked up from the real debris field hundreds of meters away in the dark woods.  How many victims were there anyway?  Two hundred?  Why was the wreckage of Flight 93 kept hidden?

Laura writes:

Actually, Bollyn says the plane crashed in the woods about a hundred meters away and was likely shot down.

He quoted the Dayton Daily News:

One Lambertsville resident, Barry Hoover, who lives a half-mile from the site, said he saw debris scattered at least a mile wide.

“There was stuff everywhere back there. It made you want to drop to your knees and cry for those people,” Hoover said.

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