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Sick and Slick Killary « The Thinking Housewife
The Thinking Housewife

Sick and Slick Killary

September 12, 2016

HILLARY’S illness is genuine, in my opinion, but it may be more serious than she is letting on.

Mike King at The Anti-New York Times considers several other possibilities, including this one:

The illness and the E-mail scandal are part of a clever pity & divert strategy to prevent the Trump campaign and the “conservative” media from attacking a poor sick little woman (the pity); and to focus on controversies other than the dozen or so women that Bill Clinton has raped, groped and flashed (the diversion) — some of whom Killary has intimidated or ridiculed. The “Rape Card” is the one issue [that] would destroy Killary in a matter of days, and it strikes fear into the black hearts of the Marxists. All Killary has to do is “recover” a few weeks before the election and it will then be to late for Trump to counter-attack and play the long awaited “Rape Card” — which Trump and adviser Roger Stone had both so carelessly telegraphed months ago.

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