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The Nativity of the Virgin Mary « The Thinking Housewife
The Thinking Housewife

The Nativity of the Virgin Mary

September 8, 2016



The Birth of the Virgin, Girolamo del Pacchia

If we celebrate the birthdays of the great ones of this earth, how ought we to rejoice in that of the Virgin Mary, presenting to God the best homage of our praises and thanksgiving for the great mercies He has shown in her, and imploring her mediation with her Son in our behalf! Christ will not reject the supplications of His mother, whom He was pleased to obey whilst on earth. Her love, care, and tenderness for Him, the title and qualities which she bears, the charity and graces with which she is adorned, and the crown of glory with which she is honored, must incline Him readily to receive her recommendations and petitions.

 — The Roman Breviary

Clothed in the sun, I see thee stand,
The moon beneath thy feet;
The stars above thy sacred head
A radiant coronet.

Dear Mother, pray for us that He
Who came through thee of yore,
May come to dwell within our hearts,
And never quit us more.

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