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He Can’t Make America Great « The Thinking Housewife
The Thinking Housewife

He Can’t Make America Great

October 29, 2016

THOUGH DONALDĀ Trump would ideally put a check on mass immigration, globalist economics and the power of the corporate media, he cannot make America great.

No nation can be great when its families are weak (not to mention when it is constantly at war). American families are extremely weak. No advanced society in history has survived for long with this level of family breakdown, voluntary childlessness, rejection of the complementary roles of men and women, and sheer confusion. If you can provide evidence otherwise, I will entertain it. In his private life, Trump has set a bad example. That is true no matter how successful his children are. His presidency — the best outcome of this election — would promote that bad example.

But the problem goes beyond his private life. Trump may, in the best of all worlds, make the economic conditions of families somewhat better. But that would not solve the more fundamental problems caused by hyper-individualism, promiscuity, childlessness and disloyalty. Trump has no solutions for an atomistic society in which the individual pursuit of happiness is paramount. In fact, he promotes it.

America cannot be great when the family structure is this weak. Nations are based on love.

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