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UFOs and Clinton Hackers « The Thinking Housewife
The Thinking Housewife

UFOs and Clinton Hackers

October 22, 2016

WAYNE MADSEN contends there is no evidence that the Russian government hacked e-mails of Hillary Clinton and her staffers. Most likely, it was done by those attempting to gain entry to files pertaining to UFOs:

[C]entral Intelligence Agency director John Brennan, Director of National Intelligence James Clapper, and National Security Agency director Admiral Mike Rogers provided not one iota of evidence that it was Russian state players who hacked into the computers of the Democrats or the personal email accounts of Hillary Clinton campaign manager John Podesta and other staffers.

Podesta has a long track record of interest in extraterrestrial visitations of our planet and unidentified flying objects (UFOs) and the files the U.S. government possesses on these subjects. Consequently, Podesta, who has served as White House chief of staff for Presidents Bill Clinton and Barack Obama, has drawn the interest of the most dedicated contingent among the computer hacker community: those who hope to discover the “mother lode” of secret files allegedly held by the U.S. government on alien visitations and UFOs.

Clinton’s unsupported and provocative claim that Russia is interfering in the election is a form of treason.

— Comments —

Paul C. writes:

I don’t know what the dictatorial Putin is up to, but if he’s trying to help Trump, great.

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