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All Saints Day « The Thinking Housewife
The Thinking Housewife

All Saints Day

November 1, 2021

TODAY is All Saints’ Day. We praise and glorify our friends in heaven:


From your blissful thrones of glory
Look on us, O ye elect;
Tell us what repays your combat,
Tell us what we may expect?


Our delights no one can utter,
Eye hath not seen, ear hath not heard;
Nor can mortals feel the pleasure,
That for us God hath reserved.

Fra Angelico, 1425

Fra Angelico, 1425

On praying to saints:

“The saints are friends of God. They are like the angels in heaven. We honor them, not as we honor God, but on account of the relation they bear to God. They are creatures of God, the work of His hands. When we honor them, we honor God; as when we praise a beautiful painting, we praise the artist.

We do not believe that the saints can help us of themselves, but we ask them to “pray for us.” We believe that everything comes to us “through Our Lord Jesus Christ.” With these words all our prayers end. It is useful, salutary, and reasonable to pray to the saints and ask them to pray for us. No doubt all will admit the reasonableness of this practice if the saints can hear and help us.” Source


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