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Bloodthirsty Ann Coulter « The Thinking Housewife
The Thinking Housewife

Bloodthirsty Ann Coulter

November 30, 2016


BRANDON MARTINEZ writes at Non-Aligned Media:

Ann Coulter has been getting props from certain quarters of the alt-right because of her stance against immigration, but her substantive track record of warmongering and shilling for Zionism cannot be forgiven. She vigorously spewed untruths that enabled the 9/11 wars and was a key media voice propelling forward the neocon agenda in those crucial years after the attacks. She vocally supports the indiscriminate slaughter of Palestinian children by Israel.

Moreover, she is a Johnny-come-lately to the immigration debate, and has opportunistically jumped on the alt-lite (not alt-right) bandwagon, like so many other mercenary hacks in that milieu, now that those talking points have a larger audience. She should be added to the long list of US government and media insiders who should be tried at the Hague as accomplices to war crimes and crimes against humanity.

Martinez also has a post about Rudy Giuliani and 9/11.

— Comments —

A reader writes:

She looks like a giraffe with a goiter.

But please do not say it was me that said this. People get so upset with me if I mention anything to do with physical appearance! It’s all about intentions of the heart, don’tcha know!

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