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Elections as Psychological Warfare « The Thinking Housewife
The Thinking Housewife

Elections as Psychological Warfare

November 1, 2016

“Secrets were rarely revealed in the past because traditional people had not yet completed the alchemical processing. To make such perverse, modern revelations to an unprocessed, healthy, and vigorous population possessed of will, memory, and adherence to their deepest inner intuition and intense interest in their own salvation, would not have been a good thing for the Cryptocracy. It would have proved fatal to them.

But to reveal these after-the-act secrets in our modern time, to a people who have no memory, no will-power and no interest in their own fate except in so far as it may serve as momentary titillation and entertainment actually strengthens the enslavement of such a people.”

  — Michael Hoffman, Secret Societies and Psychological Warfare (quoted here)

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