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Hate Crime Hoaxes « The Thinking Housewife
The Thinking Housewife

Hate Crime Hoaxes

November 16, 2016

FROM Downtrend.com:

The media has exploded with tales of white Trump supporters, emboldened by his election, doing all sorts of horrible racist things to minorities. They don’t quite report as vigorously when these stories turn out to be hoaxes, but that’s understandable, as it doesn’t fit their liberal agenda. The latest Trump-related hate crime to fall apart involves a black women who said white Trumpites threatened to kill her.

PhillyVoice reports that black woman Ashley Boyer claimed 4 white men brandished a gun with a death threat at a gas station in Smyrna, Delaware following Trump’s election. In a now-deleted FaceBook post she recounted this terrible hate crime …

Some recent hate crime hoaxes and suspected hoaxes are listed at Reddit.com. And here’s a researcher who says the government has gotten into the hate crime business too:

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