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ISIS: The Manufactured Bogeyman « The Thinking Housewife
The Thinking Housewife

ISIS: The Manufactured Bogeyman

November 2, 2016


IN THIS two-partĀ 2015 video, the authorĀ Brandon Martinez “unravels the murky origins of ISIS and unveils how the group’s meteoric rise in Iraq and Syria is a continuation of US psychological warfare designed to facilitate the Zionist-Neocon agenda of toppling seven sovereign Middle Eastern and North African States.”

Part 1 can be found here.

All this is connected to the 2016 presidential race and Clinton’s hostility to Russia. See more on these issues in Christopher Bollyn’ recent articles: “Zionism: The Root Cause of the Wars in the Middle East” and “Who Is Behind Hillary Clinton’s Hostility to Russia and Why It Matters.”

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