Marine Le Pen
November 23, 2016

GIVEN the influence of American politics on Europe, will the victory of Donald Trump help propel Marine Le Pen to the French presidency?
See excellent ongoing coverage of the upcoming May election at Galliawatch. A recent post looks at French reaction to the Trump election. Tiberge quotes one commentator about the possibility of “Trumpify-ing” some of the candidates:
No [French] candidate comes up to Trump’s ankle. They lack the thing that gave him his success, the power to rise above the crowd. They depict Marine Le Pen as Donald Trump’s sister, and vice-versa… it’s completely false. She is engaged in a strategy of un-demonization, while Trump has always held his head high. He has never backed off and never submitted to political correctness. And then, Marine Le Pen is not new, she’s a party. She has already run in elections, unlike Trump who does not come from the world of politics. This aspect also is lacking in France. We need a renewal in the French ruling class. Certain candidates try to act like Trump but take no risks. He endured numerous attacks, notably from the media. That would frighten away any French political leader.