Misogynists’ March
November 21, 2016

MISOGYNISTS upset about the election are planning to march on Washington on January 21 to protest the presidency of Trump.
They’re steaming mad. Hillary promised to keep women down! She promised to help them kill their children. The woman-haters are mad as hell that she didn’t win.
Why are these misogynists crying anyway? They’re crying because they don’t have the power over women they thought they had. They’re crying because American women are stronger and more independent minded than they thought they were.
— Comments —
Dan T. writes:
I’d be interested to hear the Women’s March participants’ take on the disturbing absence of Secretary Clinton on election night, eschewing the traditional public concession and, more importantly, the expression of gratitude and encouragement that her devoted supporters deserved. Notwithstanding the widespread juvenile reactions to the election results, there were many devoted to her who suffered genuine anguish and deserved the reassurance of her presence.
But writer Ed Klein’s report that she was incapacitated to the point of incoherence that night lends even more menace to the bullet that was dodged by the American electorate. The fact remains that she was unable to perform an important public function due to an emotional breakdown. How would she have dealt with a more pressing issue? Is it fair to attribute this to the fact that she’s a woman?
Laura writes:
Here’s another report that she had a fit of rage.
If true, these reports would confirm those who said she was temperamentally unfit, and yes, women are more emotional by nature. Feminism has also created an entitlement mentality that is not exactly conducive to gracious defeat.