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Obamacare and the Election « The Thinking Housewife
The Thinking Housewife

Obamacare and the Election

November 10, 2016

IT WAS a big factor:

Down the election home stretch, voters saw insurers pulling out of healthcare markets all over the county, skyrocketing out-of-pocket costs (deductibles and co-insurance), and steep insurance premium price rises. Premiums for enrollment starting November 1 of this year, just days before the election, increased 25% on average. Some states have huge increases: North Carolina 40%, Pennsylvania 53%, Minnesota 59%, and Arizona 116%.

Hillary Clinton was a particularly flawed standard bearer for a third term of Obama policies, but it is unlikely any Democrat who lacked Obama’s likeability and minority bona fides could have prevailed.

Through it all Hillary Clinton remained a steadfast Obamacare supporter. She even promised to expand it by adding a “public option.” The only way to get rid of it was to defeat Clinton and other Democrats.

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