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Browsing posts from November, 2016

The Amish Factor

November 10, 2016


THE SMALL Amish community of Lancaster County, Pennsylvania possibly played a significant role in the election of Donald Trump.

It’s a bizarre fact: a religious sect that strictly adheres to the natural law in family, favors beards and plain clothing, and so eschews modern life that it typically uses horses and buggies instead of cars, helps elect a thrice-married casino magnate who lives in an ostentatious and gilded penthouse with pagan gods on the ceilings, has sponsored beauty pageants, prefers Mercedes’ and Rolls Royces, and has bragged about his adulterous affairs. Can you even imagine Trump and an Amish farmer conversing over coffee? How about an Amish farmer in the marble lobby of Trump Tower? Or Trump in a buggy? Mrs. Trump III visiting Mrs. Stolzfus? The culture clash doesn’t just strain the imagination; it positively incapacitates it. Politics creates strange bedfellows.

Such was the 2016 election. The Amish voted for Trump, possibly without a single exception in the entire voting demographic. They are the alt-alt-right, I guess. They’re not really “deplorables” because they don’t attempt to convert others and are far too strict to attract followers from Manhattan or San Francisco. (The height of hedonism in Amish culture is a good piece of pie.) But they could become “deplorables” and even “Nazis” if this political thing keeps up.

There are about 30,000 Amish in the Pennsylvania quasi-rural county and another 5,000 to 10,000 in related Protestant sects. The Amish vary in their rules from church to church. Some are more accepting of modern technology than others. The county as a whole has a population of about 500,000. There are an estimated 64,000 Amish in Pennsylvania altogether. Trump won 137,000 votes in the county, and only won the state of Pennsylvania by an estimated 68,000 votes. If he had not won Pennsylvania’s 20 electoral votes, he possibly would not have won the election — or the election would remain unresolved, creating a national meltdown. (His total currently stands at 285. He needed 270 to win.)

A group of Republican, non-Amish voters — calling themselves the Amish PAC — organized to drive the Amish, some of whom were attending weekday weddings or funerals on election day, to the polls. It was such a success, with suburbanites in their minivans driving the plain people to vote, that the group has vowed to do it again in the future.

An Amish family in Lancaster County, Pennsylvania

An Amish family in Lancaster County

It makes sense. Despite their counter-cultural way of life, often romanticized by outsiders, the Amish have no choice but to be part of the modern world. It surrounds them on all sides. Suburban housing developments and even corporate campuses have sprung up near their farms. They use the local roads and hospitals, where they usually pay in cash. (They are exempt from Obamacare for religious reasons.) Read More »


Obamacare and the Election

November 10, 2016

IT WAS a big factor:

Down the election home stretch, voters saw insurers pulling out of healthcare markets all over the county, skyrocketing out-of-pocket costs (deductibles and co-insurance), and steep insurance premium price rises. Premiums for enrollment starting November 1 of this year, just days before the election, increased 25% on average. Some states have huge increases: North Carolina 40%, Pennsylvania 53%, Minnesota 59%, and Arizona 116%. Read More »


Students for Global Chaos

November 9, 2016


COLLEGE students used to be pacifists. Now they demonstrate when a war-monger is not elected. Read More »


The Times’ Concession Speech

November 9, 2016

A “dark combination of racists, white supremacists and anti-Semites” has won the day, says The New York Times. (They call you hateful because they hate you.) The editors graciously concede the election:

After a year and a half of erratic tweets and rambling speeches, we can’t be certain. We don’t know how Mr. Trump would carry out basic functions of the executive. We don’t know what financial conflicts he might have, since he never released his tax returns, breaking with 40 years of tradition in both parties. We don’t know if he has the capacity to focus on any issue and arrive at a rational conclusion. We don’t know if he has any idea what it means to control the largest nuclear arsenal in the world.

Here is what we do know: We know Mr. Trump is the most unprepared president-elect in modern history. We know that by words and actions, he has shown himself to be temperamentally unfit to lead a diverse nation of 320 million people. We know he has threatened to prosecute and jail his political opponents, and he has said he would curtail the freedom of the press. We know he lies without compunction.

Here is the dark, unstable, non-functioning, erratic person himself:


Congratulations, Mr. Trump!

November 9, 2016

DONALD TRUMP has done it. He has made American nationalism acceptable. He has weakened the power of the “Nazi” and “racist” slurs. Thank you, Mr. Trump! I don’t agree with everything you’ve said and I certainly don’t embrace everything you’ve done, but I congratulate you today and I am happy that you have won. Thank you, Ohio! Thank you, Florida! Thank you, Pennsylvania! Thank you, American “Nazis” who worked hard to bring this about. Stand proud to be a “racist,” “misogynist,” “divisive” “Nazi” today.

Thank you most of all to God in saving us from the greater evil.

The polls were wrong. Did voters not want to admit even on the phone that they were voting for Trump? Ordinary people live in fear of expressing their desire for functioning borders and economic sovereignty. “Nazi! Nazi! You are a racist!!” Falsely labeling people who have accepted tens of millions of immigrants, paid their way in many cases and not mistreated them, as bigoted “racists” is not a surefire political strategy. (An estimated 22 percent of Latino voters in Pennsylvania voted for Trump. Are they racist too?)

Thank you, Donald, for barreling through with all your crass assertiveness this demonization of people who are generally not racists, but want what all people in the world, including Mexicans and Muslims, want and deserve: a homeland. Who was it that said Americans are the only people who get culture shock for simply walking out of their homes? It’s true. Wanting limits on immigration is not hating immigrants.

You are a fairly old man, Donald, and have nothing to lose. You can use this victory to serve the interests of truth and sanity or make it a hollow victory. You could make America better, if not great, by not just controlling our borders and appointing anti-abortion judges but also refusing to allow our military to be neo-conned into inflicting harm on other nations for no good reason.

Now, as one of your first acts as president-elect, please encourage Supreme Court Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg, that shriveled, baby-hating witch, to make good on her threat to move. There are plenty of great places to live in New Zealand, with its mountains and meadows and raw cheese. All that can be yours, Ruth. But no, you won’t leave. You’ll prefer to stay and scorn the country that has treated you so well.



New Zealand awaits you, Ruth!

And Lady Gag-Us too is feeling hopeless. What a bummer. Here she is in a Rolls Royce last night “praying” and later staging a protest on a trash truck. May she and other Satanic, Hollywood furies take their immense, preternatural talents elsewhere.



Lady Gag-Us in her Rolls



Taking out the trash

Miley Cyrus, another political genius, also promised to leave. That alone would make America great again.


And then there’s the Illuminati, mind-controlled Katy Perry (below). She said she would leave too!

Please, Hollywood demons, America’s not for you! There are plenty of other countries where you can spread your venom openly and freely. You can get lattes and nationalized health care in Canada. You have the money to do it. We’re behind you!! We support your principled stance! Hollywood stars once stood for a modicum of virtue and beauty. Now they stand for sickness, freakishness and insanity. Clothed in Satanic red and black, they stand for the inversion of beauty and hatred of good.

Both Jonathan Stuart Leibowitz, also known as “Jon Stewart,” and the immortal, plasticized Cher have even threatened to go to another planet. Somehow we’d get by without you. Sorry you are not as powerful as you had hoped. Yes, this very close vote was against you too. The American deplorables say, “Bon Voyage!”



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The Circus Ends

November 8, 2016


IT WAS A CIRCUS. But vote for Trump!


The Democratic Party’s Comedienne

November 7, 2016

FOR those still hesitating to vote tomorrow because of the personal sins of Donald Trump, I recommend this video (language warning) of Sarah Silverman, the comedienne who  performed at the Democratic National Convention this summer. This highlights the dramatic contrast between Clinton and Trump. As Fr. William Jenkins says, “Where there is any hope, that’s where we have to go.”

Sarah, of course, will never face a “hate speech” tribunal.

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Satanism and Government

November 7, 2016

“OUR government has been taken over by a cabal of occultists,” says Fr. William Jenkins in a talk  about the John Podesta Wikileaks email that reveals Satanic activity in the Clinton camp.

“This is a formula for the worst kind of tyranny possible.”

“We shouldn’t be surprised that there is this cabal at the highest levels government…. We’ve just been holding back, thinking,’It couldn’t really be that.’ But that’s exactly what it is. It is explicit Satanism.”


Ivanka Prays at Rebbe’s Grave

November 7, 2016

ON the weekend before the election, Ivanka Trump prayed at an important site to Orthodox Jews. From The Jewish Telegraph Agency:

Ivanka Trump and her husband Jared Kushner visited the grave of the last  Lubavitcher Rebbe, Menaḥem Mendel Schneersohn.

The couple visited the Queens, New York, gravesite, known as the “Ohel,” on Saturday night in the run-up to Tuesday’s election. The couple may have been praying for victory for Ivanka’s father, Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump.

Thousands of visitors come to the gravesite every year looking for the blessings the rebbe used to give to visitors when he was alive. Schneerson died in 1994.

Schneersohn is well-known for his open declarations of Jewish racial supremacism: Read More »


An Enviable Position

November 5, 2016

ISRAEL SHAMIR, the Israeli author, writes at Unz Review:

I envy you, American citizens. I do not care about your military might, nor for your supreme currency, the US dollar. I envy your chance to deal on 11/8 a decisive blow to the rule of the Masters of Discourse. Though the Masters control the entirety of world media, and they decide what people may think and say from Canada to Hong Kong, only you, American citizens, can defeat them. This is a great chance, a unique opportunity not to be missed.

The Masters of Discourse can be defeated. They are not stronger than any ruler of past. Trump has a great quality making him fit for the task: he is impervious to labels and libels. He had been called everything in the book: anti-Semite, racist, women hater, you name it. And he still survived that flak. Such people are very rare.


Trump Signed Anti-Porn Pledge

November 5, 2016

DONALD TRUMP signed an anti-porn pledge this summer, which states:

If elected President of the United State of America, I promise to:

1) Uphold the rule of law by aggressively enforce existing federal laws to prevent the sexual exploitation of children online, including the federal obscenity laws, child pornography laws, sexual predation laws and the sex trafficking laws by: Read More »


Engineering a Trump Victory?

November 4, 2016

FROM Brandon Smith at Alt-Market.com:

I believe that the U.S. presidential election has … been predetermined; with a Trump win.  Some people might be confused by this concept.

Trump’s campaign has been consistently compared to the Brexit campaign by globalists in the media, as well as by mainstream pundits.  They call it a “dangerous” trend of rising populists.

The propaganda surrounding the Brexit asserts that the referendum will eventually lead to global economic crisis; and already, central banks and politicians are attempting to tie the Brexit to anything that might go wrong fiscally in the near future.

The propaganda surrounding Trump is the same; that Trump is unfit to lead America and that his economic policies will end in global financial ruin.

One constant connects the Brexit referendum and Trump — both are supported by conservative movements with anti-globalist leanings.

I submit that there is in fact a wider economic crisis on the way, and that the elites plan to use the Brexit and Trump as scapegoats for this crisis. Read More »


Women’s Liberation

November 4, 2016


I BELIEVE these are both fake Hillary ads but the message is true. Read More »


Justice vs. Feminist Lies

November 4, 2016

A federal court jury has found Rolling Stone reporter Sabrina Rubin Erdeley guilty of defamation, with actual malice, in connection with her article about a 2014 sexual assault at a University of Virginia fraternity that later was proven to have been fabricated.


Trump Ad

November 4, 2016


THIS Trump ad includes the Federal Reserve and George Soros. Is his argument a “dark, divisive and dangerous vision?”



The Model Minority: Rent-a-Womb Edition

November 4, 2016

THE Hollywood Reporter examines the soaring demand by Chinese couples for California women willing to sell gestational services:

At San Diego’s Expect Miracles Surrogacy, international clients account for 80 percent of IPs. And of foreigners participating in this permutation of California’s birth tourism, the number of Chinese IPs [intended parents] is growing the fastest, making up the most common single foreign nationality for many agencies right now. Read More »


The Wikileaks Election

November 4, 2016

IN AN interview with Judith Sharpe of In the Spirit of Chartres, Dr. E. Michael Jones, editor of Culture Wars and author of many fine books, comments on the presidential election, which he says represents a conflict between two sources of information: the mainstream, government-controlled media and the alternate media, including Wikileaks.

“The Empire is losing control of the flow of information,” Jones says, “And it’s had a devastating effect on the Clinton campaign.”

He believes the polls are wrong because people will not admit publicly that they are going to vote for Trump and he makes some interesting comments on Trump the Playboy and the death of Republican “conservatism.”


The Baby Philosopher

November 3, 2016

Janey in Pink and White Dress, William Matthew Prior, 1840

Janey in Pink and White Dress, William Matthew Prior, 1840

A baby who is past infancy and able to crawl and explore is typically a very busy person. He has important things to do.

The small world he inhabits is a university to him. He is the teacher; the people around him are useful too. But his main daily preoccupation, his subject matter, is things. The physical world is made up of many different substances and mechanisms. His job is to understand them. That’s why he wants to touch things, put them in his mouth, knock them over, bang them on the floor, throw them, push their buttons, examine them from all sides with his hands. He wants to understand and see how things work. Fortunately, he does not yet possess language. If he did, words would interfere with his studies. They would get in the way of his absorption with objects as they are. This brief, pre-verbal phase is extremely important in his mental development.

The baby is not capable of conceptual thinking. But still he acquires an important philosophical premise early on through all this investigations. He is mostly a scientist, but he starts to become a philosopher too. Read More »