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Browsing posts from November, 2016

Child Laborers

November 3, 2016


FASCINATING photos of children laborers at textile mills, farms, homes and on the streets of New York taken by photographer Lewis Wickes Hines in the 20th century were influential in bringing about child labor reform. A selection can be found at It’s About Time. Though some of the children pictured are bedraggled and dirty, they generally look healthy and decently dressed. Some are seen working alongside their mothers. Many went to school too and some are seasonal workers, picking short-term crops or shucking oysters. The girls look like girls and the boys look like boys. Many have an introspective look  — maybe from the discipline and the time alone with their thoughts while working. These are intriguing photos.





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Praying for the Dead

November 2, 2016


All Souls Day, Jakub Schikaneder

All Souls Day, Jakub Schikaneder

Sweet is the consolation of the dying man, who, conscious of imperfection, believes that there are others to make intercession for him, when his own time for merit has expired; soothing to the afflicted survivors the thought that they possess powerful means of relieving their friend. In the first moments of grief, this sentiment will often overpower religious prejudice, cast down the unbeliever on his knees beside the remains of his friend and snatch from him an unconscious prayer for rest; it is an impulse of nature which for the moment, aided by the analogies of revealed truth, seizes at once upon this consoling belief. But it is only a flitting and melancholy light, while the Catholic feeling, cheering though with solemn dimness, resembles the unfailing lamp, which the piety of the ancients is said to have hung before the sepulchres of their dead.

— Cardinal Wiseman, Lecture XI; See more on All Souls Day at Fish Eaters

On Italian traditions:

In some areas of Lombardy, the night between November 1st and 2nd people put in their kitchen a vase full of water so that the dead can quench their thirst. While in Friuli they leave a lamp on, a bucket of water and some bread.

Despite the many differences in the local traditions, the belief is one: the dearly departed will come to visit their relatives on this day. The whole country honors the dead by preparing, cleaning and decorating graves during the whole week prior to the Feast. In certain areas of Italy, some habits stand out more than other, which find their roots in tradition, heritage and the undying love for those who no longer live among us.



The Internet Coup

November 2, 2016


MORE Clinton bombshells are released by the hour. (I offer this video by Steve Pieczenik without further comment; I don’t know what to make of it — though my sense is that it is some sort of con.) The e-mails found on the laptop of Anthony Weiner, husband of Huma Abedin, are of especial interest today. The New York Police Department, which was investigating the messages, is rumored to have forced the FBI to act or face charges of complicity when the most explosive information was leaked by the city’s investigators.

Hillary Clinton-insider Huma Abedin’s estranged husband Anthony Weiner has a perverted past, and his laptop had more than 650,000 emails which involve Team Clinton. ….

…. The messages detail the massive pay-for-play corruption between Clinton’s inner-circle and wealthy Democrat donors. In exchange for contributions to the Clinton Foundation, access to the federal government was sold off. Just the mere releasing of her schedule was a massive security violation, but that’s one of the smallest crimes uncovered here in this expanded investigation. Read More »


ISIS: The Manufactured Bogeyman

November 2, 2016


IN THIS two-part 2015 video, the author Brandon Martinez “unravels the murky origins of ISIS and unveils how the group’s meteoric rise in Iraq and Syria is a continuation of US psychological warfare designed to facilitate the Zionist-Neocon agenda of toppling seven sovereign Middle Eastern and North African States.”

Part 1 can be found here.

All this is connected to the 2016 presidential race and Clinton’s hostility to Russia. See more on these issues in Christopher Bollyn’ recent articles: “Zionism: The Root Cause of the Wars in the Middle East” and “Who Is Behind Hillary Clinton’s Hostility to Russia and Why It Matters.”


The Obama Effect on Education

November 1, 2016

HANS BADER writes:

The Obama administration has systematically attacked civil liberties on campus over the last seven years, in many different ways.


Latin Wisdom

November 1, 2016


TRANSLATION: Lock her up.


Who Was Martin Luther?

November 1, 2016

ANGELA Pellicciari discusses her new book “The Truth about Martin Luther:”

He is not a reformer, he is a revolutionary dominated by hatred. He destroyed the society of his time, too. He established a direct relationship between the individual and God, depriving the person of community. In the interiority of our own consciousness, one can make God say anything that comes to mind. He destroys the theological truth, a truth that ended up leaving the Gnostics, and later the philosophers, first without and later against Revelation. Luther wanted to be free in the way that he wanted. He understood freedom as freedom from Rome, but instead subjected himself to the princes. Spinoza and Locke would take this idea of freedom as a basis to establish an enlightened philosophy solely from reason, independent of theological truth, which later developed into Freemasonry.


Why Are They Dumping Hillary?

November 1, 2016

MIKE KING wonders why the Obama administration has sabotaged Hillary’s campaign at the last minute:

[I]t is clear that a game is being played on us all by the dirty evil agent Julian Assange of CIA-Mossad WikiLeaks, Sulzberger’s Slimes and the rest of the Piranha Press.


Elections as Psychological Warfare

November 1, 2016

“Secrets were rarely revealed in the past because traditional people had not yet completed the alchemical processing. To make such perverse, modern revelations to an unprocessed, healthy, and vigorous population possessed of will, memory, and adherence to their deepest inner intuition and intense interest in their own salvation, would not have been a good thing for the Cryptocracy. It would have proved fatal to them.

But to reveal these after-the-act secrets in our modern time, to a people who have no memory, no will-power and no interest in their own fate except in so far as it may serve as momentary titillation and entertainment actually strengthens the enslavement of such a people.”

  — Michael Hoffman, Secret Societies and Psychological Warfare (quoted here)


When Women Were Pacifists

November 1, 2016

“In times past, women led the protests against wars. Mother’s Day was originally an anti-war statement. The militant “All Men Are Rapists”feminism of the 1990s was created to trick all women into hating all men; to destroy any sympathy by women for men, to make it easier for the government to send men off to die by the thousands in the wars we see before us today.”

—   Michael Rivero


A Grim Prediction

November 1, 2016

FROM Mark Glenn at The Ugly Truth:

[E]ven if Trump wins all can be confident of the fact that Israel and her various tentacles spread throughout the world are going to do their damndest in frustrating him at every turn. Whether it is a monetary collapse or a nuclear weapon being detonated within an American city that is then blamed on Russia, all those who are looking at a Trump presidency with even an ounce of hope need to curb their enthusiasm by recognizing the fact that the Titanic struck the iceberg a long time ago and the only question that remains now is how many people are going to find a spot on the lifeboats which are/will be in very short supply.


American Pravda

November 1, 2016


REPORTERS for major news outlets, including The New York Times and MSNBC, met with the Clinton campaign in April to discuss “framing the HRC message and framing the race.” This article lists the reporters (but erroneously says they were on the Clinton “payroll”).