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Students for Global Chaos « The Thinking Housewife
The Thinking Housewife

Students for Global Chaos

November 9, 2016


COLLEGEĀ students used to be pacifists. Now they demonstrate when a war-monger is not elected.

— Comments —

Terry Morris writes:

Having tantrums when things don’t go exactly their way has always worked before for these morally and psychologically underdeveloped adolescent ingrates; what indication has anyone ever given them that it won’t work now? They can’t be faulted for the p*ss-poor upbringing and “education” they’ve been subjected to their entire lives. But of course reality will eventually set in, to one extent or another, with them soon enough.

Noah Webster said that one key aspect of a proper education is to *correct the temper* of youth. This of course presupposes that the temper of youth *needs correcting*. In modern America we reject that notion out of hand. Our children are insane, and act insanely, because they were raised and “educated” by insane adults. I’m actually surprised the numbers of student-protesters at these demonstrations was apparently so low. Maybe there is hope after all.

Laura writes:

I believe college students in Russia were relieved yesterday.

They don’t want nuclear war. They were scared of Hillary.

At the University of Michigan, “safe spaces” were created for politically traumatized students yesterday.

Mr. Morris writes:

“Snowflakes.” Perfectly apt terminology. None of this is new. Remember the PEST (post election selection trauma) problem following Bush’s defeat of Kerry in 2004.

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