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Temperamentally Unfit « The Thinking Housewife
The Thinking Housewife

Temperamentally Unfit

November 16, 2016

FROM The American Spectator:

Sources have told The American Spectator that on Tuesday night, after Hillary realized she had lost, she went into a rage. Secret Service officers told at least one source that she began yelling, screaming obscenities, and pounding furniture. She picked up objects and threw them at attendants and staff. She was in an uncontrollable rage. Her aides could not allow her to come out in public. It would take her hours to calm down. As has been reported for years, her violent temper got the best of her. Talk about having a temperament ill-suited for having access to the atomic bomb. So Podesta went out and gave his aimless speech. I wish we could report on Bill’s whereabouts but we cannot. We shall work on that.

— Comments —

Bert Perry writes:

Dunno if anyone has gone on record saying they’d seen this personally, but the frequent disappearances from the campaign trail, illnesses, looking today like she had slept on a park bench (greasy hair and such), and the like are certainly compatible with a substance abuse problem.  If there is such, shame on her handlers for covering it up for the sake of potential power.

And given what she’s gone through with Bill and Barack, I can’t entirely blame her if she did turn to the bottle to cope.
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