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The Internet Coup « The Thinking Housewife
The Thinking Housewife

The Internet Coup

November 2, 2016


MORE Clinton bombshells are released by the hour. (I offer this video by Steve Pieczenik without further comment; I don’t know what to make of it — though my sense is that it is some sort of con.) The e-mails found on the laptop of Anthony Weiner, husband of Huma Abedin, are of especial interest today. The New York Police Department, which was investigating the messages, is rumored to have forced the FBI to act or face charges of complicity when the most explosive information was leaked by the city’s investigators.

Hillary Clinton-insider Huma Abedin’s estranged husband Anthony Weiner has a perverted past, and his laptop had more than 650,000 emails which involve Team Clinton. ….

…. The messages detail the massive pay-for-play corruption between Clinton’s inner-circle and wealthy Democrat donors. In exchange for contributions to the Clinton Foundation, access to the federal government was sold off. Just the mere releasing of her schedule was a massive security violation, but that’s one of the smallest crimes uncovered here in this expanded investigation.

Between these State Department emails and the 650,000 messages on Weiner’s laptop, it’s clear that the worst news for Hillary is about to happen. Huma clearly lied to investigators by claiming she was cooperating in exchange for immunity. There’s no way she’s going to start covering things up for Hillary now, when she could face decades in prison. Source

Rumors of a pedophilia ring are also rampant.

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