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The Male Breadwinner Is Bad « The Thinking Housewife
The Thinking Housewife

The Male Breadwinner Is Bad

November 29, 2016


From Market Watch:

“If you’re a young man and the breadwinner for your family, beware: It could harm your health and well-being.

A new study — presented Friday at the 111th Annual Meeting of the American Sociological Association in Seattle — found that when young men are the family’s breadwinner, it may not be good for them. “We find strong evidence that, for men, breadwinning has adverse effects,” write the authors of the study. “As relative income increases — that is, as men take on more economic responsibility in marriage — psychological well-being and health decline.”

But for women, the study found that as they began making more money, their psychological well-being (though not their health) improved. The study tracked the self-reported health (as measured by asking people about their health) and well-being (as measured by their levels of anxiety and depression) of more than 3,000 married individuals ages 18 to 32 over the course of 15 years.”

One could conclude that after they are no longer young, supporting a family IS good for a man’s health?  So I guess those first few years were just practice for feeling good later on?

I am really scratching my head over this one.  I guess young men should sit at home, look after the children, and be supported by their happy, money-earning wives is the conclusion we were meant to draw. Hoooo-boy. Have things gotten inverted or what.

Laura writes:

The heroic, glorious battle to support one’s family is reduced to poor health and depression.

And the only solution, of course, is for women to remain en masse in the permanent workforce (which just happens to benefit those at the top), undermining the mysterious differentiation between the sexes, replacing the sanctuary of the home for the young with impersonal institutions and causing demographic winter. The solution is never to make the breadwinner’s life economically easier in other ways.

People who applaud these studies, which contain some truth but are not put in context, seem to care nothing about children. They are clueless about the developmental stages of life. They are autistic, lacking in the most basic social sense, about the atmosphere of the home. They also care nothing about cultural decline and are practical atheists.

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