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Trump Signed Anti-Porn Pledge « The Thinking Housewife
The Thinking Housewife

Trump Signed Anti-Porn Pledge

November 5, 2016

DONALD TRUMP signed an anti-porn pledge this summer, which states:

If elected President of the United State of America, I promise to:

1) Uphold the rule of law by aggressively enforce existing federal laws to prevent the sexual exploitation of children online, including the federal obscenity laws, child pornography laws, sexual predation laws and the sex trafficking laws by:

a. appointing an Attorney General who will make the prosecution of such laws a top priority in my administration and,

b. Providing the intelligence community and law enforcement with the resources and tools needed to investigate and prosecute Internet crimes involving the sexual exploitation of children.

2) Aggressively enforce the Children’s Internet Protection Act (CIPA) requiring schools and public libraries using government eRate monies to filter child pornography and pornography by requiring effective oversight by the Federal Communications Commission;

3) Protect and defend the innocence of America’s children by advancing public policies that prevent the sexual exploitation of children in a manner that is consistent with the government’s compelling interest in protecting its most vulnerable citizens, within the limits set forth by the First Amendment.12

4) Give serious consideration to appointing a Presidential Commission to examine the harmful public health impact of Internet pornography on youth, families and the American culture and the prevention of the sexual exploitation of children in the digital age.

5) Establish public-private partnerships with Corporate America to step up voluntary efforts to reduce the threat of the Internet-enabled sexual exploitation of children by the implementation of updated corporate policies and viable technology tools and solutions.

— Comments —

Lydia Sherman writes:

Donald need not appoint a Presidential Commission to determine the harm of porn on people.  The data and the testimonies has already been out there for years, from individuals, religious groups and private commissions.  All he has to do is hire one one of his brilliant children to collect it from the web and other sources.

Most people who are familiar with the effects of this vice would not recommend it be “studied” for the reason that it is so luring and addictive.

Besides, every time the American people have been given a Report from one of these commissions –the Warren Commission and the 9/11Commission for example–it has not been entirely truthful.

More questionable presidential commission reports can be read here.

Terry Morris writes:

“… within the limits set forth in the first amendment.”

That’s a laugh!; there are no “limits” set forth in the first amendment that haven’t already long since been usurped and rendered utterly meaningless and ineffective by the federal government and state complicity in the matter. The fact that Trump signed such a pledge, which promises to usurp the constitution left and right, solidifies the point.

Meanwhile had Trump refused to sign the pledge on constitutional or constructionist grounds, “conservatives” would have a field day saying he hates families and children and all manner of liberal, emotion-driven blather like that. So it’s six of one, a half dozen of the other. Not that I think he understands the problem in any case.

Such is the miserable state of the nation we live in, God help us all! In fact that would be my first declaration in my first “State of the Union” address if I were Trump and elected – what is it? Miserable!

I recall just a few years ago when Cal Thomas severely criticized the SCOTUS in their ruling in the case concerning the manufacture and sale of violent video games (the Mortal Combat case). The problem with Thomas’s lecture in his column was that he brought up the false idea that Thomas Jefferson would have supported federal supremacy in law making over state and local supremacy in such issues, and went so far as to say it is “unimaginable” that Jefferson would hold to the doctrine of state and local authority in these kinds of cases. What is actually unimaginable is that Thomas presumes to give Jefferson such an opinion when the evidence (Jefferson’s writings) clearly indicates the exact opposite. And that’s beside the fact that Thomas is supposed to be some kind of conservative constitutionalist himself.

But in any case what is my point? Well, it is that we’re so deep in the muck and mire that there is no way to escape it at this point short of Divine and miraculous intervention (not sure why God would intervene to save the country when it despises Him to begin with. Oh, wait! He would do so for Israel’s sake. Almost forgot!). Exacerbating the problem with this kind of “pledge” might appeal to “conservatives” and the religious right and get Trump more votes, but it won’t make anything better because at the end of the day it’s just one more way of maintaining absolute federal supremacy in law making, in direct violation of both the spirit and letter of the Constitution our elected officials falsely swear to uphold and protect.

Laura writes:

Well, it is that we’re so deep in the muck and mire that there is no way to escape it at this point short of Divine and miraculous intervention ..


I agree it’s not going to mean much. I didn’t mean to suggest that Trump was going to rid America of porn. But at least we have these symbolic acknowledgements that we are in the muck up to our necks. I don’t think Hillary would even recognize that there is a pornography problem.

Laura adds:

Invest no hope in Trump. That’s my position. Invest no hope in him, but vote for him.


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