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An Ex-Hindu’s Testimony « The Thinking Housewife
The Thinking Housewife

An Ex-Hindu’s Testimony

December 6, 2016

AN INDIAN reader, just baptized as a Catholic, writes:

Worshipping idols, be they human, semi-human or animal transforms the heart into stone and the mind into whatever one is worshipping which is NEVER the One True God. In this state it is impossible to love, but idolizing everyone and everything, including oneself, becomes the dominant emotion, feeling and state of being. It is death and the results of such ‘life’ are there for the world to see.

I truthfully say, that my heart was as hard as the idols I worshipped until I heard the Gospel. Then one at a time His Love chipped the stone bit by bit until the day His Love flooded my being and I could love Him and others through Him. An idol does not need to be a god one has constructed, it can be objects, career, wealth, celebrities or even relationships and sex; the result is the same, death. It is also interesting for me here to note, that while Vedas spoke of forces of nature as divine beings they never had the status of ‘God’ until recently. The tribes that migrated to India from the same land as the tribes of Israel had no idol worship but once in an aboriginal land incorporated it into their beliefs to gain power and assimilation. Like every tribe that lost itself to God, my tribe, the Sakas (descendents of Isaac!) migrated to India after Christ, one of Israel’s lost tribes.

The promise that God made to our fathers along with his curse is a fact of our lives. We got thrown away from our home amongst people that are no people and a nation that is no nation. And now, after generations God has written his Word on my heart and made me his child again. I pray that all of us who gave in to the temptation of acceptance in a foreign land awake and return to Him who is our one, true God who is in fact present even in the Vedas as the Father who is source of all creation, whom the demi-gods and nature gods serve. We abdicated our place in his home and subjugated ourselves to the aboriginal gods, and descended into tribalism from the people we once were.

It is time to go home, to our Father, who is no stone, who wants nothing but our beings and gives all of Himself to us freely.

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